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A |
a art (single but unspecified person/thing) uno; ÎÅËÔÏ, ÎÅÞÔÏ | |
abacus n abaco | |
abandon vt cede; linque; relinque | |
abate vt minue | |
abide vi dege | |
abject adj vile | |
able adj (skillful) capace | |
about prep (concerning) de; (place, time, quantity) circa; ÐÒÉÍÅÒÎÏ | |
above prep (over but not in contact) super | |
abroad adv ab; ad extero | |
absent adj to be absent abes | |
accept vt accipe | |
accident n (mishap) infortunio | |
accompany vt comita | |
accomplish vt perfice | |
accord vt (give, award) da || adv accordingly ergo || prep according to juxta; secundo; secundum | |
accost vt appropinqua | |
account n computo; on account of ergo; propter | |
ache n dolore | |
achieve vt comple || n achievement opera | |
acknowledge vt agnosce; ÐÒÉÚÎÁÎÉÅ | |
acquire vt acquire; eme; lucra; obtine | |
across prep (on the other side of) trans; ÞÅÒÅÚ | |
address vt dirige; discute; ora | |
adjacent adj adjacente | |
adjoin vt adjunge | |
adjunct adj adjuncto | |
admit vt confite | |
adorn vt para | |
adroit adj versuto | |
Advent n (rel) adventu | |
adverse adj adverso | |
advertise n advertisement annuntio | |
advise vt consilia; consule; notifica; ÓÏ×ÅÔÏ×ÁÔØ | |
after adv deinde || prep (according to) secundo; secundum; (since) post; (time) post || adv afterward postea | |
again adv bis; de novo; iterum; ÓÎÏ×Á | |
against prep contra || adj adverso; ÐÒÏÔÉ× | |
age n old age senectute || adj aged sena; ÐÏÖÉÌÏÊ | |
agree adj agreeable amÅ“no; grato; be agreeable place; ÎÒÁ×ÉÔØÓÑ | |
air n airship aeronave | |
alarm vt turba | |
alas inter eheu!; heu! | |
albeit conj quamvis | |
alike adj pari | |
alive adj vivo | |
all adj toto; ×ÅÓØ | |
alley n vico | |
almost adv paene; quasi; ÐÏÞÔÉ | |
alone adj solo | |
along prep alongside apud | |
already adv jam | |
also adv etiam | |
although conj etsi; quamvis | |
always cor semper | |
ambiguous adj vago | |
amble vi ambula | |
among prep apud; inter | |
amuse n amusement ludo | |
ancestor n progenitore; ancestry majores; stirpe | |
and conj atque; et; item | |
angry adj irato | |
anguilla n anguilla | |
anguish n angustia | |
announce vt nuntia || n announcement annuntio | |
another adj altero | |
answer vt responde || n responso | |
antique n antiquity vetustate | |
antler n ramo | |
any cor (one, some, every, or all without specification) ullo | |
ape n simia | |
apex n vertice | |
appertain vi pertine | |
apple n male | |
arise vi nasce; ori | |
arm n brachio | |
armoire n armario | |
around prep circum | |
arrange vt ordina | |
arrears n arretrato | |
arrive vi adveni; perveni || n arrival adventu | |
as cor quale; sicut; ut; as far as (distance) usque; as if quasi; as long as dum; as...as tanto...quanto; tanto...quanto tam...quam; as...so ut...ita | |
ash adj ashy cinereo | |
ask vt interroga; quaere; ask for roga | |
ass n (zool) asino | |
assemble vt assembla; conflue; reuni | |
assent vi annue | |
associate n socio | |
assume vt (debts, responsibilities, etc.) sume; (suppose, presume) induc | |
assure n assurance fiducia | |
at prep (contiguous to) ad; (in the house of) apud; at Akane's house apud Acane; (near) apud; (toward) ad; verso; at hand adjacente; prope; at last in fine; at once subito; at present nunc; at the end in fine; at the time tunc | |
attack vt opugna | |
attain vt attinge | |
attempt n conatu | |
attend vt servi | |
augment vt auge | |
augur vt augura || n augury augurio | |
August n augusto | |
aunt n amita | |
avoid vt evita | |
await vt attende | |
awake vi (to wake up) expergisce | |
away adv ab | |
awning n tentorio | |
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B |
back n (anat) dorso || adv backward ad retro | |
bad adj male; very bad pessimo || adv badly male | |
baggage n impedimento; sarcina | |
balance n (of account) reliquo | |
ball n pilo | |
band n turba | |
bang vt percute || n rumore | |
bar n (in a river) pulvino | |
barbarian adj barbarous truce | |
bard n vate | |
bare adj mero || adv barely vix | |
bark vi latra || n (tree, outer) cortice | |
barley n hordeo | |
base vt funda | |
battle vt lucta; pugna || n lucta | |
be vi es || n being (entity) ente | |
beak n becco; rostro; (beak) rostro | |
bean n faba | |
bear n (zoo) urso; bearing vultu | |
beard n barba | |
beast n bestia | |
beat vt (defeat) vince; (strike repeatedly) battue | |
beautiful adj pulcro | |
because conj nam; quia || prep because of ergo; propter | |
become vt fi || afx fi | |
bed n lecto; bedroom cubiculo; bedspread linteolo | |
bee n ape | |
beech n fago | |
beer n cervisia | |
before prep (place) coram; prae; (time) ante || adv before now jam; before then jam | |
beg vt pete | |
begin vt incipe; ingrede || n beginning principio | |
behalf n on behalf of pro | |
behind prep retro | |
behold! inter ecce | |
behoove vi to be necessary oporte | |
believe vt crede | |
bell n campana | |
below prep infra; sub | |
bench n sedile | |
bend vt flecte | |
benefit n lucro | |
benign adj benigno | |
beside prep vicino; besides ultra | |
best adj optimo | |
better adj meliore; potius | |
between prep inter; to be between interes | |
beverage n bibita | |
beyond prep (after) post; (besides) ultra; (farther) praeter; (on the other side of) trans | |
bias vt propende | |
big adj crasso | |
bill n factura; (beak) becco | |
bird n ave | |
birth n birthday natalitio | |
bit n mica | |
bitter adj amaro | |
black adj nigro | |
blade n lamina | |
blame n culpa | |
bland adj lene | |
blandish n blandishment blanditia | |
blaze vi splende | |
blend vt misce | |
bless adj blessed beato | |
bliss adj blissful beato | |
block n (of stone, etc.) massa | |
blond adj flavo | |
blood n sanguine | |
bloom vi flore | |
blow vt suffla | |
bludgeon n virga | |
blue adj caeruleo | |
board n tabula | |
body n corpore | |
bog n palude | |
boil vt bulli | |
book n bookseller bibliopola; librario | |
boot n calceo | |
booth n umbra | |
bore n boredom taedio; weariness taedio | |
born adj nato; be born again renasce || vi be born nasce | |
borough n pago | |
borrow vt mutua | |
both adv ambo; both...and et...et | |
bottle n phiala | |
box n capsula | |
boy n boyhood pueritia | |
brace n brachio | |
brain n cerebro | |
branch n ramo | |
brass n aes | |
bravo inter euge! | |
bread n pane | |
break vt frange; quassa; rumpe || adj broken fracto | |
breakfast n dejejuno; primo prandio | |
breath n flatu; halitu | |
breathe vi respira | |
breeches n braca | |
brick n later | |
bridge n ponte | |
bring vt apporta; bring about effice | |
broad adj lato | |
brood vt brood upon fove | |
broth n jusculo | |
brother n fratre | |
brown adj fusco | |
bud n germine | |
bugle n bucina | |
build vt fabrica || adj built constructo | |
building n fabrica | |
bulk n massa | |
bundle n fasce | |
burn vt ure || vi arde | |
business n (any matter or concern) opera; (commerce) negotio | |
bust n (chest) pectore | |
but conj ceterum; sed; vero; (unless) nisi; si ne | |
butcher vt trucida | |
buy vt eme | |
by prep (agent: authorship) ab; (agent: by means of) per; (in oaths) per; (near) apud; vicino; by all means certo; by chance (possibly) forsan; by now jam; by oneself solo; by reason of nam; by then jam; by this time jam | |
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C |
cabinet n armario | |
cake n libo | |
call vt voca; call out clama | |
callus n callo | |
can vt pote | |
cancel vt tolle | |
cane n baculo | |
canoe n lintre | |
cap n pileo | |
capable adj capace | |
capsule n capsula | |
car n carro | |
caravan n commeatu | |
card n tessera | |
care vt care for cura || n cura || adj careful sollicito | |
caress n blanditia | |
carpet n tapete | |
carriage n vehiculo | |
carry vt fer; (by vehicle) vehe; carry out effice | |
cascade n cataracta | |
cast vt (form) funde | |
cat n fele | |
cataract n cataracta | |
catch vt rape || adj caught capto | |
cause vt effice | |
caution n (care to avoid danger) cautela | |
cave n cavo; spera | |
cease vt cessa | |
ceiling n tecto | |
celebrity n fama | |
cell n cella | |
cellar n cella | |
century n seculo | |
certain adj (sure) certo; to be sure! certo!; (to a certain extent) aliquanto || adv certainly (assuredly) certo; vero | |
cerulean adj caeruleo | |
chair n cathedra | |
chalk n creta; gypso | |
chance n by chance per casu | |
change vt cambia; muta | |
chapter n (book) capitulo | |
charm vt delecta | |
chase n venatione | |
chaste adj casto | |
cheek n gena | |
chemise n camisia | |
chest n (anat) pectore; thorace | |
chestnut n castanea | |
chicken n pullo | |
child n puero; childhood pueritia | |
chin n mento | |
China n Sina | |
Chinese adj sinense | |
choose vt elige; (elect to office) elige | |
chop n fissura | |
church n ecclesia | |
cider n sicera | |
circle n circulo || vt circui | |
circuit vt circui | |
cite vt cita | |
city n civitate; urbe | |
civil adj (polite) civile | |
clad adj vestito | |
claim vi clama || n postulatione | |
clan n (gens) gente | |
clasp vt amplecte | |
clean vt terge | |
cleave n cleavage fissura | |
clerk n adjutore | |
cliff n rupe | |
cloak n pallio | |
clock n horologio | |
close vt claude || n closure clausura || adj closed clauso | |
closet n cubiculo | |
cloth n panno; tela; texto; (any woven fabric) fabrica; tablecloth mantele; mappa | |
clothe n clothes habitu; veste; clothes stand suspendio de veste | |
cloud n nebula | |
clover n trifolio | |
coal n carbone (lapideo) | |
coarse adj crasso; rude | |
coat n (anat.) tunica; overcoat superveste | |
cock n gallo | |
coddle vt fove | |
cogitate vt cogita | |
coil n rocchetto || vi volve | |
cold adj frigido || n frigore | |
collect vt collige | |
comb vt pecte | |
come vi veni; come back redi; reveni | |
comfort n (consolation) solacio | |
comma n virgula | |
command vt impera || n potestate | |
commence n commencement principio | |
commissary n commissario | |
commissioner n commissario | |
commodious adj commodo | |
compel vt coge | |
complete adj pleno || vt comple | |
compress vt preme | |
conceal vt occulta | |
conceive vt concipe || adj conceivable conceptibile | |
concern adj concerning de | |
condone vt condona | |
confess vt confite | |
confide n confidence fiducia | |
conflict n pugna || vi pugna | |
connect n connection junctura || adj connected conjuncto | |
conquer n conquerer victore || adj conquered victo | |
consanguineous adj consanguineo | |
consequence adv consequently itaque | |
conserve vt respice | |
consider vt puta | |
console n consolation solacio | |
construct vt fabrica || adj constructed constructo | |
consult vt consule | |
contain adj containing continente | |
content adj contento | |
continent n continente | |
continue vi dura | |
contrive vt (invent) inveni | |
control vt rege | |
cook vt coque || n coquo | |
copper n cupro | |
cork n (material) subere | |
corn n (callus) callo; (grain) grano | |
corona n corona | |
correct vt corrige; restitue; sana || adv correctly vere | |
cost vt consta || n sumptu | |
cotton n gossypio | |
counsel vt consilia | |
count vt numera | |
country n rure | |
couple n paria | |
course n (of dinner) ferculo; (racing) cursu; of course certo | |
courteous adj benigno; gentile | |
cousin n consobrino | |
cover vt cooperi; tege || adj covered cooperto | |
cow n (female) vacca | |
coward n ignavo; vile | |
cream n cremore (de lacte) | |
creep vi repe | |
crew n turba | |
crop n messe | |
cross n crossing trajectu | |
crowd n turba | |
crown n corona || vt corona | |
crude adj crudo | |
cruel adj truce | |
crush vt preme || adj crushed fracto | |
cry vt clama || vi fle; lacrima; plange || n plora | |
cubicle n cubiculo | |
cubit n cubito | |
cuff n pulsino | |
cultivate adj cultivated culto | |
culture adj cultured erudito | |
cup n cupa | |
cure vt cura; sana || n cura | |
curious adj mirando | |
curtail vt minue | |
curtain n tentorio; velo | |
cushion n pulvino | |
custodian n custode | |
custom adj customary usitato | |
cut vt caede; incide; seca; (off, through) praescinde || n cutter (boat) phaselo || adj inciso | |
cutlet n costeletta | |
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D |
damage adj damaged laeso | |
danger n periculo || adj dangerous periculoso | |
dare vt aude | |
dark adj fusco; obscuro | |
daughter n filia | |
dauntless adj impavido | |
day n (24-hour period) die; (opp. to night) die | |
death n decessu; morte | |
debt n debito | |
decide n decision judicio | |
deck n ponte | |
declare vt dic | |
decline vt recusa | |
defeat vt vince | |
demand n postulatione | |
den n spera | |
dense adj spisso | |
deny vt nega; recusa | |
depart vi exi; parti || n departure exitu | |
deprive adj deprived privo | |
derange vt turba | |
descend vi descende | |
design n designo | |
desire vt desidera || n desiderio | |
despise vt despecta; despice | |
destitute adj inope | |
detect vt detege | |
deuce n diabolo | |
devastate vt pervasto | |
devil n diabolo | |
dew n rore | |
dextrous adj versuto | |
die vi mori; peri | |
differ adj different diverso | |
difficult n difficulty angustia | |
diffuse vt diffunde | |
digest vt digere | |
digit n digito | |
diminish vt minue | |
dine vi conviva; epula | |
dinner n cena; epula; tertio prandio | |
direct vt dirige | |
dirty adj spurco | |
disappear vi evanesce | |
disaster n infortunio | |
disclaim vt nega | |
discourse n oratione | |
discover vt detege; discoperi; reperi || adj discovered discoperto; reperto | |
discuss vt discute | |
dish n plato | |
dismal adj mœsto | |
dispatch vt expedi | |
displace vt amove | |
display vt (exhibit) expone; (show) monstra | |
disseminate vt semina | |
dissolve adj dissolved soluto | |
distant adj distante | |
district n pago | |
ditch n fossa | |
diurnal adj diurnale | |
diverse adj diverso | |
do vt fac; did e; in praeterito; I did write, I wrote me e scribe | |
doctor n medico | |
dog n cane | |
domain n imperio; regno | |
donate n donation donation | |
door n ostio; porta; doorstep limine | |
double adj duplo | |
doubt n dubio | |
dowry n dote | |
drag vt trahe | |
draught n haustu | |
draw vt (pull) trahe | |
dread vt time | |
dress n dressmaker modista || vt vesti | |
drink vt bibe || n bibita; haustu; drinking glass poculo | |
drive vt impelle || n driver vecturario | |
drop n guta | |
dross n scoria | |
drought n siccitate | |
drug n druggist pharmacopola | |
dry adj sicco || vt sicca | |
duck n anate | |
dull adj hebete | |
dumb adj muto | |
dumbbell n libramenta | |
during n dum | |
duty n custom duty telonio || adj dutiful pio | |
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E |
eagle n aquila | |
ear n aure | |
early adj (towards beginning) cito | |
earn vt lucra | |
earthenware n fictilia | |
ease n otio || adj easy facile | |
east n est | |
eat vt ede; manduca | |
eel n anguilla | |
effect vt effice; effectuate effice | |
effort n conatu | |
eight card octo; eighty octoginta || ord eighth octavo; eightieth octogesimo | |
either conj (indifferent) vel...vel; either ... or aut...aut || prn altero; (both of two) utroque | |
elapse vi flue; labe | |
elbow n cubito | |
elevate vt eleva | |
elevator n ascensore | |
eleven card decem-uno | |
eleventh ord decimo-primo | |
else adv alio || cor elsewhere alibi | |
embarrass vt impedi | |
embrace vt amplecte | |
embroider n embroidery pictura per acu | |
emery n smyride | |
eminent adj augusto | |
emphasize vt preme | |
empire n imperio | |
employ n unemployment otio | |
empty adj vacuo | |
enamel n encausto || vt encausta | |
encircle vt circumda | |
encompass vt circui | |
encumber n encumbrance impedimento | |
endive n endivia | |
endorse vt fave | |
endure vi dura || vt (bear, undergo) pate | |
engage adj be engaged in versa | |
engineer n ingeniario | |
England adj English anglo | |
engrave vt incide || adj engraved inciso | |
enough adj be enough suppedito || adv satis | |
enter vt intra | |
entertain vt delecta; epula | |
entire adj toto || adv entirely toto | |
entity n ente | |
entrance n ingressu | |
entreat vt ora | |
enumerate vt (mention one by one) numera | |
envelope n involucro || vt involve | |
envy vt invide | |
epistle n epistola | |
epoch n aevo | |
equal adj pari | |
equipment n supellectile | |
equity n jure | |
era n aevo | |
erase vt frica | |
erect vt erige | |
erudite adj erudito | |
escort vt comita | |
especial adv especially maximo; praecipue; praesertim | |
establish vt stabili | |
estate n loco | |
even adv etiam; even if etsi | |
evening n vespere | |
eventual adv eventually (in the end) in fine | |
ever adv (always) semper | |
every cor omne; everyone omne; everywhere passim | |
evil adj male || n male | |
evolve adj evolved evoluto | |
examine vt inspice | |
exceed vt supera || adv exceedingly extra; ultra; valde | |
excess n (balance) reliquo | |
excite vt incende | |
execrate adj execrable nefando | |
execute vt (perform) exseque | |
exhibit vt expone | |
expect vt expecta | |
expedient n to be expedient expedi | |
expose vt (set in public view; phot) expone; (uncover, reveal) expone | |
express vt exprime | |
exterior n extero || adj extraneo | |
extraneous adj extraneo | |
eye n oculo | |
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F |
fabric n panno; tela; texto | |
face n vultu | |
factory n fabrica; officina | |
fair adj (hair) flavo | |
faithful adj fidele | |
fall vi cade; labe | |
far adj distante; longe || adv so far adhuc | |
farm n farmer agricola | |
farrago n farragine | |
fate n (random, as if by lots) sorte | |
father n patre | |
fatigue adj fatigued fesso | |
faucet n valvula | |
favor vt fave; fove | |
fear vt time; vere || n (general) timore || adj fearless impavido | |
feast n epula || vi conviva | |
feather n pluma | |
feature vt praesenta | |
fee n imposito | |
feed vt nutri; (give food, or provide in manner of food) ale || n nutrimento | |
feel vt senti | |
feign adj feigned ficto | |
felt n (cloth) coactilia | |
female n femina | |
fern n filice | |
ferule n virga | |
fetter vt impedi | |
fever n febri | |
few adj pauco; a few aliquanto | |
field n agro | |
fight vt lucta; fight against opugna || n lucta | |
file vt ordina | |
fin n pinna | |
final adv finally denique; in fine | |
find vt inveni; praebe | |
finger n digito | |
finish vt fini | |
fir n abiete | |
fire n foco; igne; pyro; fireplace camino || vt (ignite) incende | |
firm n (business) fabrica | |
first ord primo; at first primo | |
fish n pisce || vt pisca | |
fissure n fissura | |
five card quinque; fifty quinquaginta || ord fifth quinto; fiftieth quinquagesimo | |
fix vt stabili | |
flake n flocco | |
flame n flamma | |
flax n lino | |
flesh n carne | |
flint n silice | |
floor n pavimento; plano | |
flour n farina | |
flourish vi flore | |
flow vi flue | |
flower n flore || vi flore | |
fly vi vola || n (insect) musca | |
foam n spuma || vi spuma | |
follow vt fave; seque || n follower fautore || adj followed secuto; following sequente | |
food n alimento; cibo; nutrimento | |
fool n stulto || adj foolish stulto | |
foot n pede | |
for prep ob; pro | |
force vt (by physical power) fortia; (coerce, compel) coacta; coge || n (mech, mil) fortia; (strength) fortia; vi | |
fore n forefather progenitore | |
forecast vt praevide | |
forehead n fronte | |
foreign adj extraneo | |
foresee vt praevide | |
forest n silva | |
forget vt oblivisce | |
fork n furcula | |
form n modo | |
former adj priore || adv formerly olim | |
found vt funda | |
four card quatuor; forty quadraginta; four by four quatuor per quatuor || ord fortieth quadragesimo; fourth quarto || fract fourth uno quarto | |
fox n vulpe | |
frame n (body) corpore | |
France n Frenchman franco | |
frank n Frank (hist) franco | |
free adj gratis; libero || adv freely libenter | |
frequent adv frequently saepe; subinde | |
Friday n veneredie | |
friend n amico; friendship amicitia | |
frog n rana | |
from prep ab; de | |
front n in front of ob | |
fry adj fried fricto (in patella) | |
full adj pleno | |
fund vt funda | |
fungus n fungo | |
furious adj irato | |
furlough n commeatu | |
furniture n piece of furniture supellectile | |
furrow n lira | |
further adj ultra || adv (moreover, yet, more) praeterea | |
futile adj inutile | |
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G |
gain vt lucra || n lucro | |
gale n procella | |
game n joco; ludo | |
garden n horto | |
gather vt collige | |
gauze n gaza | |
gentle adj gentile; lene | |
genus n genere | |
germ n germine | |
get vt percipe; get to (be able to) pote; (reach) attinge | |
girl n puella; girlhood pueritia | |
give vt da; praebe; give back restitue; give up cede | |
glad adj laeto || n gladness laetitia || vt gladden laetifica || adv gladly libenter | |
glass n vitro | |
glide vi labe | |
glove n chirotheca | |
go vi i; vade; (on foot) grade; go back regrede; go down descende; go on dura; go out exi | |
goat n capra | |
god n deo; godly (pious) pio | |
gold n auro | |
good adj bono; (morally) benigno || n goodness bonitate; goods merce | |
goose n ansere | |
govern vt guberna; impera; rege | |
grace n (before meals) prandio | |
gradual adv gradually paulatim | |
graft vt insere | |
grain n grano | |
grape n uva | |
grass n herba | |
grateful adj grato | |
grave adj (serious, weighty, not trifling) grave || n fossa | |
gravy n suco | |
great adj magno; greater majore; superiore || adv greatly valde | |
green adj viride | |
greet vt saluta | |
grey adj cano; cinereo | |
grid n craticula | |
grieve vt dole | |
grill n craticula | |
grow vi cresce | |
guest n hospite | |
guitar n cithara | |
gum n gummi | |
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H |
habit n (clothes) habitu | |
habitual adj usitato | |
habituate vt assuefac | |
hair n capillo; pilo | |
half fract dimidio | |
hall n aula | |
hand n manu; (of a watch) indice; on the other hand ceterum || vt hand over trade | |
handiwork n opera | |
handkerchief n sudario | |
handle n manubrio | |
handy adj (at hand) prompto | |
hang vi pende | |
happen vi incide | |
happy adj felice || n happiness jucunditate | |
harangue vt ora | |
hard adj duro | |
hardly adv vix | |
hare n lepore | |
harrow vt hirpice | |
harvest vt mete || n messe; harvester messore | |
haste vi hasten matura | |
hat n cappa; pileo; hatter cappario | |
hate vt odio | |
have vt habe; have on, be wearing gere; vesti | |
hawk vt (peddle) circumfer | |
hazard n periculo | |
he prn illo; he who illo; himself se | |
head n capite | |
heal vt cura | |
health n salute; sanitate | |
heap n massa | |
hear vt audi || n hearing auditu || adj heard audito | |
heart n corde | |
heat n calore || vt calefac | |
heath n erica | |
heaven n caelo; cœlo | |
heavy adj grave; ponderoso; (phys., fig.) grave | |
heel n talo | |
heir n herede | |
hello inter eho!; heus! | |
help vt adjuva || n auxilio || adj helpless inope; misero | |
hemp n cannabe | |
hen n gallina | |
hence adv ergo; hinc; inde; henceforth post | |
her prn illa; illo; herself se || pos suo | |
herb n herba | |
here cor hac; hic || inter here is/here are ecce | |
hide vt occulta | |
high adj alto; higher supero | |
hinder vt obsta | |
hint vt indica; suggere | |
his pos suo | |
hit vt ice; percute | |
hither cor huc | |
hole n puteo; (cavity) cavo | |
hollow n cavo | |
home n domo | |
honey n melle | |
hope vt spera || n spe | |
hors d'ϵvre n anteprandio | |
horse n caballo; equo; horsetail equiseto | |
host n hospite | |
hot adj calido | |
hour n hora | |
house n domo; in the house of apud | |
how cor quomodo; how many quot; how many times? quotiens?; how much quanto | |
however adv sed; tamen | |
hug vt amplecte | |
hulk n scapha | |
hull n scapha | |
human n homine | |
humble adj humile | |
hundred card centum || ord hundredth centesimo | |
hunt n venatione | |
hurrah inter io! | |
hurricane n huracano | |
hurry n festinatione | |
hurt adj hurtful damnoso | |
husband n marito; sponso; vir | |
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I |
I prn me | |
ice n glacie | |
idle n idleness otio | |
if conj si; if not si non; if...or if sive...sive | |
ill adj infirmo || n illness infirmitate | |
ill-omened adj infausto | |
illiterate adj analphabeta | |
illuminate vt illumina | |
immediate adv immediately mox; statim; subito | |
impede vt impedi; obsta | |
impel vt impelle; urge | |
impermeable adj impermeabile | |
implant vt insere | |
impose vt impone | |
in prep in | |
inauspicious adj infausto | |
inch n pollice | |
incise n incision inciso | |
incite vt incide | |
include adj included incluso | |
income n (from investments) reddito | |
increase vt auge || vi cresce | |
index n indice | |
indicate vt indica | |
indignant adj be indignant indigna | |
induce vt induc | |
infer vt infer | |
inferior adj inferiore | |
infirm adj infirmo || n infirmity infirmitate | |
inflame vt incende | |
inflect vt flecte | |
influence vt influe | |
ingot n lingot | |
inherit n inheritor herede | |
inject adj injected iminisso | |
injure adj injured laeso; injurious damnoso | |
ink n atramento; inkstand atramentario | |
inodorous adj inodoro | |
inquire vt inquire | |
inscribe adj inscribed inscripto | |
insert vt insere; interpone | |
inside adv inside of intra | |
inspect vt inspice | |
instead prep potius | |
instigate vt instiga | |
insulate vt insula | |
insure n insurance assecurantia; assecuratione | |
interest vt interes || adj interesting interessante | |
interlace vt interlaquea | |
interpose vt interpone | |
interrogate vt interroga | |
intervene vi interes | |
intimate vt suggere | |
introduce vt (bring in) infer | |
invent vt inveni | |
irate adj irato | |
iron n ferro | |
island n insula | |
it prn illo; (human) illo; (nonhuman) illo | |
its pos suo; (reflexive) se | |
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J |
janitor n famulo | |
Japan n Nippon; Japanese nipponense || adj Japanese nipponico | |
jealous adj zelotypo | |
jest vi lude | |
journal n diurnale | |
journey n itinere | |
joy n gaudio; laetitia || adj joyful laeto | |
judge vt judica || n judice; judgment judicio | |
juice n suco | |
jump vi salta || vt jump over transili | |
juncture n junctura | |
Jupiter n jove | |
just n justice jure | |
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K |
keep vt (maintain, hold in a place) retine || n keeper custode | |
key n (of a piano, computer) clave; (to a lock) clave; keyboard claviario | |
kidnap vt rape | |
kidney n rene | |
kind n genere || adj benigno | |
king n rege; kingdom regno | |
kiss n basio; osculo | |
kitchen n coquina | |
knee n genu | |
knife n cultro | |
knit vt scutula || n knitting scutula | |
knock vt pulsa | |
know vt cognosce; nosce; sci || adj known cognito; noto | |
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L |
labor n laborer operario | |
laboratory n officina | |
lace n laqueo | |
lacking vi be lacking defice | |
lamb n agno | |
land n terra || vi egredi ex nave | |
language n lingua | |
lap vt (drink) linge | |
large adj magno; larger majore | |
last vi dura || adj (time, meeting, birthday) ultimo; at last denique; in fine | |
late adj sero; tardo; be late tarda || adv lately nuper | |
laugh vi ride || n laughter risu | |
launch n scapha | |
laurel n lauro | |
law n jure; lege | |
lawn n prato | |
lay vt pone | |
lazy adj pigro | |
lead vt duc || n plumbo | |
leaf n folio | |
leak vi (fluid) flue | |
learn vt (by study) disce; to learn by heart edisce || adj learned docto; erudito; sapiente | |
leather n corio | |
leave vt linque; relinque | |
left adj sinistro; at the left laeva; sinistro | |
leg n crure | |
lenient adj lene | |
less adv minus; less...than minus...quam | |
lesson n lectione | |
letter n (correspondence) epistola | |
library n bibliotheca | |
lick vt linge | |
lie vi jace | |
life n vita | |
lift vt eleva; subleva; tolle | |
light n luce; lumine || vt accende; illumina || adj (weight) leve; lighted accenso | |
like vt ama | |
lime n calce | |
linen n lino | |
lining n subsuto | |
lintel n limine supero | |
lip n labio | |
list n tabella | |
little adj pauco || adv pauco | |
live vi habita || vt vive | |
liver n hepate | |
load vt (cargo, bullets, film, et al.) impone; onera | |
locate adj located sito | |
lock n locksmith claviario | |
look vt look at adspice; perspice; prospice; spece; specta || vi aspice || n vultu | |
lose vt perde | |
lost adj to be lost (perish) peri | |
love vt (feel deep affection for) ama || n amore | |
low adj basso; humile; lower inferiore | |
lucre n lucro | |
luggage n sarcina | |
lunch n secundo prandio | |
lung n pulmone | |
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M |
mad adj (rabid) rabido | |
maid n ancilla; (maiden) puella | |
major adj majore || n (mil) majore | |
make vt fac | |
male n mas(culo) | |
malform vt maleforma | |
man n homo; vir | |
manage vt (look after the affairs of person, business, organization) gere || n manager (for an owner) gerente | |
manservant n famulo | |
mantle n pallio | |
manufacture vt fabrica || n manufacturer fabricante | |
many adj so many tot; multo | |
map n mappa | |
maple n acere | |
marble n marmore | |
march n March (month) martio | |
marry vt marita | |
Mars n marte | |
marsh n palude | |
marvel adj marvellous mirabile | |
mass n massa || vt massa | |
master n (expert; title of respect) magistro || vt (learn thoroughly) edisce | |
match n (for fire) flammifero | |
matter n pure | |
mattress n culcita | |
mature vi matura | |
may vt (can) pote; (have right to, be permitted) lice ad uno; (perhaps, maybe) forsan || n May (month) majo | |
mayor n majore | |
me prn me | |
meal n farina; mensa; prandio | |
mean n by means of per | |
meanwhile adv interim | |
measure n mensura | |
meat n carne | |
medley n farragine | |
meek adj humile | |
meet vt conflue; incide; reuni || n meeting reunione | |
melt vt funde | |
menace adj menacing minace | |
menu n minuta | |
merchandise n merce | |
merchant n mercante | |
mercy n misericordia | |
mere adj mero | |
might n vi | |
mild adj (medicines, diseases) benigno | |
mile n millia | |
milk n lacte | |
million card millione || ord millionth millionesimo | |
mind n mente | |
mine n fodina || pos de me | |
mingle vt misce | |
minimum n minimo | |
minus prep minus | |
mirror n speculo | |
misfortune n infortunio | |
mix vt misce | |
mobile adj (capable of movement) mobile | |
mode n modo | |
moist adj madido | |
Monday n lunadie | |
money n denario | |
monkey n simia | |
month n mense | |
mood n modo | |
moon n luna; new moon novilunio | |
more adv magis; plus; more...than plus...quam; moreover praeterea | |
morning n mane | |
most adv maximo | |
mother n matre | |
motion n motu | |
mouth n bucca; ore | |
move n movable mobile | |
Mr. n (short for Mister) domino | |
Mrs. n (short for Mistress) domina | |
much adv multo; not much pauco; too much nimis || adj multo | |
mud n limo | |
mushroom n fungo | |
must vt debe | |
mute adj muto | |
my pos meo || prn myself me ipso | |
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N |
name n nomine || vt (say the name of) nomina || adj named nominato | |
napkin n mantele | |
narrow adj angusto; stricto | |
near adj prope; proximo || vi draw near appropinqua || prep apud; juxta | |
necessary adj to be necessary oporte | |
neck n collo; necktie fascia (de collo); focale | |
need vt necessita || n needs necesse | |
needle n acu | |
negate vt nega | |
neighbor n vicino || adj neighboring vicino | |
neither conj neither...nor neque...nec || prn neutro | |
nephew n nepote | |
net n rete | |
neuter adj neutro | |
never cor nunquam || adv nevertheless tamen | |
new adj novo || n news notitias | |
next adj next to juxta | |
niece n nepote | |
night n nocte | |
nine card novem; ninety nonaginta || ord ninetieth nonagesimo; ninth nono | |
no inter minimo; non; nullo modo || cor no one nemine; nobody nemine; no way in nullo modo; not one nullo; nowhere nusquam | |
noise n rumore | |
nominate vt nomina | |
noon n meridie | |
nose n naso | |
not adv ne; non; is it not? non? | |
note n nota | |
nothing cor nihil | |
notify vt notifica | |
noun n nomine | |
novel n novelty novitate | |
now adv nunc | |
nozzle n (spray) naso; rostro | |
nurse vt nutri | |
nurture vt nutri | |
nut n nuce | |
nutriment n nutrimento | |
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O |
oak n quercu | |
oat n avena | |
obscure adj obscuro | |
obtain vt obtine || adj obtained obtento | |
occasion n (instance, circumstance, time) vice | |
occur vi (happen) incide | |
odor adj odorless inodoro | |
of prep (agent, authorship) ab; (concerning) ab; (origin, derivation, starting point) de; (out of) ex; (possession) de; of late nuper | |
off prep ab | |
offend adj offended offenso | |
offer vt objice; praebe | |
office n (place) officina | |
offshoot n ramo | |
often adv saepe | |
oh! inter o! | |
oil n oleo | |
old adj (former) priore; (not new, of long standing) vetere; (not young, having long existed) sena; old age senectute | |
on prep super | |
once adv olim; semel; uno vice; at once mox; statim; subito; once upon a time olim | |
one card uno; one by one singulo; uno per uno || prn uno; one's self se ipso | |
only adv not only...but also non solo...sed etiam | |
open vt aperi || adj aperto | |
opera n opera | |
operate vt (control the functioning of) opera || n operation opere | |
or conj aut; or not? annon? | |
orate vi ora || n oration oratione | |
order vt jube || prep in order to ut | |
origin n provenientia || vi originate nasce; ori | |
ostrich n struthione | |
other adj alio | |
our pos nostro; ours de nos || prn ourselves nos ipso | |
out prep get out! apage!; out of ex; outside extra || adv outside foris | |
oven n caldario; furno | |
over prep super | |
overtake vt conseque; superveni | |
owe vt debe | |
owl n bubone | |
own adj proprio | |
ox n (castrated bull) bove | |
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P |
pack n package fasce; pacco || vt collige | |
pain n dolore | |
paint adj painted picto | |
pair n paria | |
palate n (roof of the mouth) palato | |
paper n charta | |
parchment n pergamena | |
pardon vt condona | |
parent n genitore | |
partner n socio | |
pass vi percurre || n passer-by praetereunte; transeunte || adj passed praeterito | |
passenger n (traveller) viatore | |
past n praeterito || prep praeter | |
pavement n pavimento | |
pay vt (a bill, debt, etc.) paca; (make a payment of) paca; (someone) paca || n payment (thing paid) pacamento || adj payable pacabile | |
pea n piso | |
peace n pace | |
peach n persica | |
peacock n pavone | |
pear n piro | |
peel n cortice; pelle | |
peer n pari | |
pencil n graphio; stalk; stilo | |
penultimate adj paenultimo | |
people n gente; populo | |
pepper n pipere | |
perceive vt intellige; percipe; senti | |
percussion n percussione | |
perfect vt perfice | |
perform vt effice | |
perhaps adv forsan | |
peril n periculo | |
perish vi peri | |
permit vt pate | |
perspire n perspiration sudore | |
pertain vi pertine | |
pharmacy n pharmacist pharmacopola | |
physician n medico | |
pile n massa; (elec, atomic) pilo | |
pillar n pilo | |
pillow n pulvino | |
pin n pinna | |
pine n (tree) pino | |
pineapple n ananas | |
pious adj pio | |
pipe n tubo | |
pit n puteo; (cavity) cavo; (dug out) fossa; (hole) puteo | |
pitch vt (a tent) stabili | |
pitfall n fovea | |
pity n misericordia || vt compate | |
pivot vt (change direction, facing) verte; (on a connected axis) gyro | |
place n loco || vt pone || adj placed sito | |
plaintive adj flebile | |
plan vt projice | |
plane n plano | |
plant n planting satione | |
plate n (for food) plato; (soup plate) scutella | |
play vt (a role) lude; (game, sport) lude || n ludo | |
pleasant adj amœno; placente | |
please vt place || adj pleased contento | |
pleasure n gaudio; jucunditate; libito; voluntate | |
plenty adj satis | |
plough n aratro || vt ara | |
pluck vt velle | |
plus prep plus | |
pocket n sacculo | |
poet n vate | |
poison vt venena | |
Poland n Pole polono | |
pole n palo | |
police n policeman vigile | |
polish vt terge | |
polite adj civile | |
ponderous adj ponderoso | |
pool n palude | |
poor adj misero | |
pope n papa | |
populace n vulgo | |
porter n bajulo | |
possess vt posside | |
post n postage stamp atele | |
potato n solano | |
potent adj potente | |
pottery n fictilia | |
pour vt funde; versa | |
power n potestate || adj powerful potente | |
praise vt suffla | |
pray vt preca | |
precede adj preceding priore | |
prefer adv preferably potius | |
prepare vt para | |
present vt praesenta || adj to be present ades | |
preserve vt parce; respice | |
press vt preme | |
presume vt suppone | |
prevent vt obsta | |
previous adv previously antea | |
price n pretio | |
prick adj prickly spinoso | |
principle n principio | |
print n printer impressore || adj printed impresso | |
prior adj priore | |
product n by-product paraproducto | |
profit n reddito | |
progenitor n progenitore | |
progress vi progrede | |
project vt projice | |
prompt adj prompto || vt instiga | |
property n personal property mobile | |
prove vt proba | |
provide n provisions cibo | |
pull vt trahe | |
pulsate vi pulsa | |
punch vt ice | |
pupil n scholare | |
purchase n emptione | |
pus n pure | |
push vt pelle; preme || vi push on progrede | |
put vt pone; put in order ordina || adj posito | |
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Q |
quadruple adj quadruplo; quadruplicate quadruplo | |
quash vt quassa | |
queen n regina | |
querry vt quaere | |
question n quaesito | |
quick adj celere; veloce | |
quinine n quina | |
quiver vi (shake) treme | |
quote vt cita | |
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R |
rabble n vulgo | |
rabid adj rabido | |
race n stirpe | |
rail n lira; railroad ferrovia | |
rain n pluvia || vt plue | |
raise vt releva; subleva | |
rate n rata | |
rather adv potius; (preference) magis | |
ratio n ratione | |
ravish vt rape | |
raw adj crudo; rude | |
read vt lege || n reader lectore | |
ready adj prompto | |
reap vt mete || n reaper messore | |
rear vt (feed and support) ale | |
reason n (faculty) ratione | |
recall vt recorda | |
receive vt recipe || n receipt quietantia; receptione; receiption receptione | |
recent adv recently nuper | |
reckon vt (the amount of) puta | |
recollect n recordatione recordatione | |
record vt recorda | |
red adj rubro | |
reduce vt minue | |
reed n canna | |
refuse vt recusa || n relicto | |
region n loco | |
regret vt dole; plora || adj regretful dolente | |
regular adj usitato | |
reign n regno | |
rejoice vi gaude; jubila | |
relate vi memora || adj related conjuncto; consanguineo | |
release vt expedi | |
relic n reliquia | |
relieve vt (tension, strain, etc.) releva | |
relinquish vt relinque || adj relinquished relicto | |
rely n reliance fiducia | |
remain vi dura; mane; permane; remane; resta || n remainder reliquo; remains reliquia || adj remaining cetero | |
remark adj remarkable mirando | |
remember vt (mark and keep in mind) recorda || n remembrance recordatione | |
remove vt (move away) tolle; (take away, do away with) exue | |
renounce vt renuntia | |
rent vt (something to someone) loca || n (payment) reddito | |
repair vt sana | |
repast n cibo | |
repeat adv repeatedly iterum | |
reply n responso | |
reproach vt reproba | |
reprove vt reproba | |
request vt pete | |
rescue vt salva | |
resent vt indigna | |
reserve adj reserved saltem | |
reside vi dege | |
residue n residuo | |
resist vt resta | |
resort vi recurre | |
respect vt respice; vere | |
respond vt responde || n responso | |
rest vi quiesce || adj restless inquieto | |
restore vt restitue | |
result vi conseque | |
retain vt retine | |
retard vt retarda | |
retrieve vt restitue | |
return vi (come back) reveni || vt (give back) redde; return thanks agere gratias || n reversione; returns reddito || adj returned (given back) reddito; (gone back) reduce | |
reunion n reunione | |
review vt revide | |
revise vt revide | |
revolve vi rota; volve | |
rice n oryza | |
rich adj locupleto || n riches divitia | |
rid adj to get rid of exue | |
right adj recto; at the right dextero | |
rind n cortice | |
ring n anello; circulo || vi sona | |
rise vi surge | |
risk n periculo | |
river n fluvio | |
road n via | |
roast n tosto | |
rock n (boulder) rupe | |
rod n palo; virga | |
roof n tecto | |
room n camera; bathroom balneo | |
root n radice | |
rotate vi rota | |
rotund adj rotundo | |
round adj rotundo || n vice | |
roundabout adj prope | |
route n trajectu | |
row n rowing remigatione | |
royal n royalty reddito | |
rub vt frica | |
rubric adj rubro | |
rude adj rude | |
rug n tapete | |
rule vt guberna; rege; regula || n regno; regula; ruler regula | |
rumor n rumore | |
run vi curre || n cursu | |
Russia n Russian russia | |
rye n secale | |
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S |
sad adj dolente; triste || vt sadden contrista | |
safe adj securo; tuto || adv safely tuto | |
sale n salesman venditore | |
salt n sale | |
salute vt saluta | |
same adj idem | |
sample n specimine | |
sane n sanity sanitate | |
sap n suco | |
satiate vt satia | |
Saturday n sabbato; saturnodie | |
sausage n luganica | |
savage adj truce | |
save vt salva || adj saved saltem | |
say vt dic | |
scale n (of fish, etc.) squama | |
scarce adv scarcely vix | |
scatter vt sparge | |
schedule n horario | |
scholar n scholare | |
school n schola | |
scoria n scoria | |
scorn vt contemne | |
screen vt (hide, conceal) occulta | |
scrub vt terge | |
sea n mari || adj seagreen glauco | |
seam n sutura | |
season n (of year) satione | |
seat n sede; sedile | |
second ord secundo | |
secret adv secretly clam | |
secure adj securo; tuto || n security cautela | |
see vt vide || adj seen viso | |
seed n semine | |
seek vt quaere | |
seize vt sume | |
select vt selige | |
self n ipso | |
sell n seller venditore | |
semen n semine | |
send vt manda; mitte || adj sent misso | |
sense adj senseless (foolish) stulto | |
serious adj (earnest, sincere, not joking) grave; (weighty, not trifling) grave | |
serum n sero | |
serve vt servi | |
set vt set up erige | |
settle vt stabili | |
seven card septem; seventy septuaginta || ord seventh septimo; seventieth septuagesimo | |
several adj (indef amount) aliquanto; (more than one) nonnullo; plure | |
sew n sewing sutura | |
shade n umbra || vt umbra | |
shaft n puteo | |
shake vt quassa | |
sharp n sharpness acie | |
shave vt rade | |
she prn illa; illo | |
shed vt versa | |
sheep n ove | |
sheet n linteolo | |
shelf n tabula | |
shell n (outer part) extero | |
shine vi splende | |
ship n nave; shipwrecked person naufrago | |
shirk vt evita | |
shirt n camisia | |
shock n percussione | |
shoe n calceo; shoemaker sutore | |
shop n negotio | |
shore n litore | |
short adj (brief) breve; (length) curto | |
shoulder n humero; shoulder blade scapula | |
shovel n pala | |
show vt monstra | |
shrewd adj versuto | |
shun vt evita | |
shutter n obturatore | |
sick adj aegro; infirmo || n sickness infirmitate | |
side n latere; this side of cis | |
sideboard n armario | |
sight n visu | |
sign vt indica | |
silent adj be silent tace | |
silex n silice | |
silica n silice | |
silk n seta; silkworm bombyce | |
silly adj stulto | |
silver n argento | |
simplex adj simplice | |
simultaneous adj simultaneously simul | |
since prep deinde | |
sing vt canta | |
single adj singulo; (sole) solo | |
sister n sorore | |
sit vi sede; sit down conside || adj sitting sedente | |
situate adj situated posito | |
six card sex; sixty sexaginta || ord sixth sexto; sixtieth sexagesimo | |
sketch n designo | |
skin n pelle | |
skirt n lacinia; talaria | |
sky n caelo; cœlo; skyscraper caelorasore | |
slag n scoria | |
slay vt trucida | |
sleep vi dormi | |
sleeve n manica | |
slow adj lento | |
small adj parvo | |
smell vi (emit odor) odora || vt (perceive odor) olfactu | |
smelt vt funde | |
smile vi arride | |
smoke vt (cigar, etc.) fuma | |
snatch vt velle | |
snow n nive || vi ninge | |
so adv ergo; ita; sic; tam; not so non ita; so much the tanto | |
soak adj soaked madido | |
soap n sapone | |
sock n socculo | |
soft adj molle | |
soil n solo | |
soldier n milite | |
sole n solea | |
solve adj solved soluto | |
some cor (unknown or unspecified by name) aliquo; (unspecified number or quantity) aliquanto; some amount aliquanto; aliquot; someone aliquo; sometime aliquando; interdum; somewhat aliquid | |
son n filio | |
sorry adj dolente | |
soul n anima | |
sound vi sona || n sono | |
soup n jusculo | |
sour n souring satione | |
sovereign n sovereignty potestate | |
sow vt (a seed, etc.) semina | |
space n spatio | |
spare vt parce | |
spark n scintilla | |
sparrow n passere | |
speak vt loque || adj spoken locuto | |
specimen n specimine | |
speech n oratione | |
spell n (enchantment) sor o | |
spigot n obturatore | |
split n fissura | |
spoon n cochleare | |
spread vt diffunde; sparge | |
spring n springtime ver || vi (originate) ori | |
sprinkle vt (wet with any liquid) consperge | |
square n quadrato | |
staff n palo | |
stake n palo | |
stand vi sta | |
star n astro; stella | |
stare vt stare at specta | |
state n (pol) regno | |
station n stationer chartario | |
stay vi sta | |
stead n vice | |
steam n steamboat pyroscapho; steamship pyronave | |
steel n aciario | |
step n passu; (of stairs) scala || vt take steps to ingrede | |
steward n (on ship, plane) dapifero | |
stick n baculo | |
still adv tamen | |
stocking n socculo | |
stone n (material substance) petra; (pebble) lapillo; saxo; (piece of rock) lapide; saxo | |
stool n scamno; sedile | |
stop vt siste | |
store n (shop) negotio; store room cella | |
storm n procella | |
stove n caldario; furno | |
straight adj recto | |
strain vt tende | |
straw n palea | |
street n strata | |
stress n lay stress on insta | |
stretch vt (lengthen as from strain) tende | |
strike vt feri | |
strong adj forte | |
structure n superstructure opere | |
struggle vi pugna || n lucta | |
stuff vt (fill) farci | |
stupid adj stulto | |
style n stilo | |
such cor tale; such as quale | |
suck vt suge | |
sugar n saccharo | |
suggest vt suggere | |
summer n aestate | |
summit n summo; vertice | |
sun n sol | |
Sunday n soldie | |
sunflower n heliantho | |
super adj supra | |
superior adj superiore | |
superstructure n opere | |
supper n cena; quarto prandio | |
supply vt praebe; (make up for what is lacking in) supple | |
support n supporter fautore | |
suppose vt suppone | |
supress vt supprime | |
sure adj certo || adv surely vero | |
surmount vt supera | |
surpass vt supera | |
surplus n reliquo | |
surprise vt stupefac; be surprised stupe | |
surround vt circui; circumda | |
suspect vt suspice | |
suture n sutura | |
swallow n hirundine || vt gluti | |
swamp n palude | |
sweat n sudore | |
sweet adj dulce | |
swift adj veloce | |
swim vi nata | |
sympathy vi sympathize with compate | |
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T |
table n (furniture) mensa; tabula; (list) tabella; tablecloth mantele; mappa | |
tadpole n ranunculo | |
tailor n sartore | |
take vt prehende; take off (clothes) devesti | |
talent n ingenio | |
talk vt talk over discute | |
tall adj alto | |
tame vt (domesticate) domita | |
task n opera | |
taste vt gusta || n gustu | |
tax n (amount owed) imposito | |
taxi n taxabehiculo; taxametro | |
teach vt (educate) doce || n teacher magistro | |
tear n lacrima | |
tempt vt tenta | |
ten card decem || fract tenth decimo | |
tenant n (of a house) inquilio | |
tense n tempore | |
tent n tentorio | |
term n tempore | |
test vt proba | |
than conj quam | |
thank vt agere gratias || n thanks gratias || inter thanks! gratias! | |
that cor eo; illo; that one illo; that which illo || conj que | |
their pos suo || prn theirselves se | |
then cor interea; tunc || adv ita | |
thence adv inde | |
there cor eo; ibi; therefore ergo; itaque | |
thesaurus n thesauro | |
they prn illos; uno; (female) illas | |
thick adj spisso; (large depth) crasso | |
thin adj (thin and long) tenue | |
thing n re | |
think vt cogita; pensa; puta | |
third ord tertio || fract uno tertio | |
thirst n siti | |
thirteen card decem-tres || ord thirteenth decimo-tertio | |
thirty card triginta || ord thirtieth trigesimo | |
this cor ce; hoc; isto | |
thorax n thorace | |
thorn n thorny spinoso | |
thou prn te | |
though conj etsi; quamvis | |
thousand card mille || ord thousandth millesimo | |
thread n filo | |
threaten adj threatening minace | |
three card tres; three by three tres per tres; trino | |
threshold n limine | |
thrice adv ter; tres vice | |
thrill vt incende | |
through prep go through percurre | |
throw vt jacta; throw forth projice | |
thumb n pollice | |
thunder vi tona | |
Thursday n jovedie | |
thus cor ita; sic | |
thwart vt impedi | |
thy pos tuo; thine de te | |
ticket n tessera | |
tight adj angusto | |
timber n ligno | |
time n tempore; vice; how many times? quotiens?; time-table horario; to spend time dege | |
tin n stanno | |
tip n (donation) donation | |
tire adj tired lasso | |
to prep ad; (as far as) usque; (toward) verso; today hodie | |
toast adj toasted tosto | |
today adv hodie | |
tomb n tombstone lapide | |
tomorrow adv cras | |
tongue n lingua | |
tooth n dente | |
top n summo | |
touch vt tange || n (sense) tactu | |
toward prep ad; erga; verso | |
towel n linteo | |
tower n turre | |
town n civitate; urbe | |
tract n loco; tractu | |
trade n trader commerciante | |
train n trahino | |
trajectory n trajectu | |
translate vt verte || n translation traductione | |
transmit adj transmitted transmisso | |
transport vt (by vehicle) vehe || adj transported vecto | |
trap n fovea | |
travel vi itinera || n traveller viatore | |
treasure n thesauro | |
treble adj triplo | |
tremble vi treme | |
trip n itinere || vi labe | |
trousers n braca | |
trout n tructa | |
true adj vero || adv truly quidem; vere | |
trumpet n bucina; tromba | |
try vt cona; tenta | |
tub n tina | |
tube n tubo | |
Tuesday n martedie | |
tug vt trahe | |
tunic n tunica | |
turn vt (change direction, facing) verte; (change) muta || vi (on a connected axis) gyro | |
twelve card decem-duo || ord twelfth decimo-secundo | |
twenty card viginti || ord twentieth vigesimo | |
twice adv bis; duo vice | |
twig n virga | |
twinkle vi mica | |
twist vt torque | |
two card duo; two by two bino; duo per duo | |
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U |
ugly adj turpe | |
umbrella n umbella | |
uncertain adj vago | |
uncle n avunculo | |
under n sub | |
underling n inferiore | |
underpants n sub-bracas | |
understand vt intellige; percipe | |
undertake vt interprehende | |
uneasy adj inquieto | |
unfavorable adj infausto | |
unfounded adj ficto | |
union n unione | |
unknown adj ignoto | |
unless conj nisi; si ne | |
unreal adj irreale | |
unripe adj crudo | |
until prep (as far as) usque | |
unwieldy adj ponderoso | |
up prep get up surge; go up sali; up to (until) donec | |
upholster vt farci; operi || adj upholstered operto | |
upper adj upper supero | |
urge vt instiga; preme; urge || adj urgent urge | |
use vt ute || adj useful utile; useless inutile | |
usual adj usitato | |
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V |
vacuum n vacuum-cleaner vacuo | |
vague adj vago | |
valve n valvula | |
vanish vi evanesce | |
vanquish vt vince || adj vanquished victo | |
varied adj (diverse) diverso | |
veal n vitulo (carne de) | |
vehicle n vehiculo | |
velvet n velluto | |
verb n verbo | |
versatile adj versuto | |
vertex n vertice | |
very adv maximo; multo; valde || adj vere | |
vest n thorace | |
view n vista; visu | |
vigil n vigilia | |
vile adj vile | |
village n pago; vico | |
vine n vineyard vinea | |
violent n violence vi | |
virtue n by virtue of ex | |
visage n vultu | |
vision n acie | |
vocal adj vocale | |
voice n voce | |
vowel n vocale | |
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W |
wagon n carro | |
wait vt wait for attende; expecta || n waiter dapifero | |
waitress n ancilla | |
walk vi ambula; grade | |
wall n muro; pariete | |
wand n virga | |
war n bello | |
warm adj calido || vt calefac | |
wash vt lava | |
watch n horologio; watchmaker horologiario | |
water n aqua; waterfall cataracta || adj waterproof impermeabile | |
wave n unda | |
we prn nos | |
weak adj debile | |
wealth adj wealthy locupleto | |
wear vt (clothes) gere; vesti || adj weary lasso | |
weather n statu de caelo; tempore | |
weave vt texe | |
web n tela | |
Wednesday n mercuriodie | |
week n hebdomade; septimana | |
weep vi fle; plange || n plora | |
weigh vt pensa | |
weight n pondere || adj weighty ponderoso | |
well adv bene; well said benedicto || n puteo | |
whale n balaena | |
what cor que | |
wheat n frumento | |
wheel n rota | |
when cor quando | |
whence adv unde | |
where cor ubi | |
whereat conj apud que | |
whether conj an; utro? | |
which cor quale; que; (of two) utro; (referirng to entire previous clause) quod | |
while adv dum | |
white adj albo | |
who cor qui | |
whole adj (of one thing) toto || adv wholly toto | |
whom cor quem | |
why cor quare; quid; why not quin | |
wide adj lato | |
widow n viduo | |
wife n marita; muliere; sponsa; uxore | |
wild adj silvatico | |
will vt (future tense) in futuro || n voluntate || adv willingly libenter | |
win vt (contract, order) obtine | |
wind vt torque | |
wind n vento | |
window n fenestra; window sill limine | |
wine n vino | |
wing n ala | |
winter n hieme | |
wise adj sapiente | |
wish vt vol | |
with prep cum; within intra; without sine | |
witness n teste | |
woe inter vae! | |
wolf n lupo | |
woman n muliere | |
wonder adj wonderful mirabile | |
wood n ligno; (forest) silva; wood-sorrel oxalis | |
woof n (weaving) trama | |
wool n lana | |
word n verbo; vocabulo | |
work vi labora; opera || vt (control the functioning of, run the affairs of) opera || n worker operario | |
world n mundo | |
worm n verme | |
worry vt turba | |
worst adj pejore; pessimo | |
worth n valore || adj be worth vale; worthy digno | |
wound vt feri | |
wrap vt wrap around involve | |
wreath n corona | |
wretch n misero | |
write vt scribe || adj written scripto | |
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Y |
yacht n phaselo | |
yard n (enclosed courtyard) area (de domo) | |
ye prn vos | |
yea inter (hurrah!) io! | |
year n anno | |
yellow adj citrino; flavo | |
yes inter certo; etiam; ita; ita vero | |
yesterday adv heri | |
yet adv (already) jam; (however) sed; tamen; as yet adhuc; not yet nondum | |
yield vt (give way) cede | |
yoke n (bondage) jugo | |
yore n of yore olim | |
you prn vos; (plural) vos | |
young adj juvene | |
your pos (plural) vestro; yours de vos || prn yourselves (plural) vos | |
youth n (person) juvene | |
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Z |
zither n cithara |