18 Steps to Fluency in Euro-Glosa

by Wendy Ashby and Ronald Clark 1985-1992, HTML-version by Marcel Springer 2001

1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18

Foreword by the HTML-Writer

This HTML-file is a light version of the book

Ashby, Wendy/ Clark, Ronald:
18 Steps to Fluency in Euro-Glosa,
The Interlanguage for Europe and the World,
3rd edition © 1992 by Glosa Education Organizaton,
Richmond, UK; ISBN 0 946540 15 2.
You can buy the book from Wendy Ashby (c/o Glosa Education Organization, P. O. Box 18, Richmond Surrey TW9 2GE, England). By purchasing this £8.95 book, you will be helping Glosa to grow.

This file does not contain the whole book, and does not aim to. Though all the sample sentences and rules have been included, only Steps 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 13, 16, 17 and 18 are really complete. The Glosa 1000 vocabulary list is missing, please refer to the Glosa Internet Dictionary. This version is meant only as a supplement to Glosa's presentation on the Internet. There is also a German version available.

From the book itself, and from a letter from Wendy Ashby, I draw the conclusion, that this book is intended to be THE official description of Glosa.

Thanks to Wendy Ashby for the permission to put this on the net and to Nick Hempshall for his comments. Please report errors to ! Thank you.

M. Springer, 2001 ... 2004

- cover page -





- p. 3 -


[Note: a lot of the word lists and pictures listed in the contents table below are not contained in this HTML-version.]

  The Global Language for the Global Village  ...  p.  4
  Pronunciation, Alphabet, Punctuation

 ...  p.  5

Step  1:     A, the; Past and future tenses;  ...  p.  6
  numbers, -co, picture crossword.  ...  p.  7
Step  2: Would, if  ...  p.  9
  professions, colors, place (words & picture)  ...  p. 10
Step  3: Not, negative. Shops. Living things. Buildings  ...  p. 12
Step  4: Forming questions;  ...  p. 15
  Parts of the body; Rings and Things. Vessels. Furniture.  ...  p. 16
Step  5: What? Which? Greetings, Devices.  ...  p. 18
Step  6: This & that. These & those;  ...  p. 21
  Places. Materials. Sets. Thread. Stone; Things to eat (picture page and phrases).      ...  p. 22
Step  7: Get. Become. Got;;  ...  p. 24
  Opposites. Get & got. Clothes. Cloths;  ...  p. 25
  Travel (picture & phrases).  ...  p. 26
Step  8: May, perhaps, must, have to;  ...  p. 28
  The house (picture & phrases).  ...  p. 29
Step  9: Time, during;  ...  p. 31
  Street scene (picture & text);  ...  p. 32
  Psalm 23 (parallel text).  ...  p. 33
Step 10: Very, intense;  ...  p. 34
  Hospital (picture & phrases).  ...  p. 35
Step 11: Ought to, should;  ...  p. 37
  Communications (picture & phrases).  ...  p. 38
Step 12: More than, less than, as big as;  ...  p. 40
  Tools (picture & phrases).  ...  p. 41
Step 13: Oneself. One's own;  ...  p. 43
  Post Office (picture & phrases).  ...  p. 44
Step 14: Most, -est;  ...  p. 46
  Camping (picture & phrases).  ...  p. 47
Step 15: ..., who. ..., which;  ...  p. 49
  Apiculture (picture & phrases).  ...  p. 50
Step 16: Cause, make, switch on;  ...  p. 52
  Tri Andro in Navi (parallel text).  ...  p. 53
Step 17: Near Future. Recent Past;  ...  p. 55
  Shakespeare (parallel text).  ...  p. 56
Step 18: Continue, -ing, still;  ...  p. 58
  Some English idioms. Mega Glosa.

 ...  p. 59

  Glosa Mechanics.  ...  p. 60
  Glosa 1000 - English Vocabulary  ...  p. 61
  English - Glosa 1000 Vocabulary  ...  p. 88

- p. 4 -

The Global Language for the Global Village

A truly International Auxiliary Language must be easy to learn for motivated people everywhere. It must not become a merely holiday language for comfortable westerners.

It must be easy for the Third World Villager as well as for western scientist and poet. Just such a language is Glosa, which simplifies, improves and economizes international communication.

Glosa is the ideal oral complement to the electronic Information Technology Revolution.

All the old languages face the student with lists of frightfully strange-looking words, which have to be thoroughly memorized plus a complex Grammar.

In contrast all Glosa words are already internationally familiar and in lively daily use not only in Europe but everywhere modern Medicine and Science penetrate.

The late Prof. Lancelot Hogben pointed out that "The world-wide vocabulary of Science is the nearest thing to the lexicon of a truly Global Language that Mankind has yet achieved. It derives its words from two dead languages - Latin and now, almost exclusively Greek."

Although Glosa has a very large Mega Vocabulary, its heart, its centre consists of only 1000 words which can easily cope with any kind of intelligent conversation accurately and euphoniously.

The Mechanics of Glosa neatly summarized on one page shows how 20 little words of the 1000 deal easily with Tense, Comparison, Number etc.

There are 18 lessons, each one with exercises for translation from English into Glosa, and vice versa [In this file, the exercises and translations have been brought together as parallel columns.]. Each lesson contains parallel English and Glosa sentences. Simple informal letters are provided in alternate lessons, and useful phrases.

Many informative illustrations [A lot of them not in this file].

The vocabularies at the back list Glosa 1000 into English and a 2000 word English vocabulary into Glosa 1000 [Not in this file.].

Each Glosa word stands for a Concept, rather like the head word in Roget's Thesaurus.

Each Glosa word can act as any part of speech, as do Chinese and, increasingly, English. The Glosa student will quickly discover that there is much color and poetry in the Greek and Latin roots of Sci-tek Terminology, and they will soon acquire a network of colorful associations. Each Glosa word is a little sun, from which radiate a host of derivatives in all the Euro-languages, including German and Russian.

- p. 5 -

Preliminary Notes


Every letter must be pronounced including the final vowel.
5 vowels as in Spanish, and as pronounced in English: fAther, cafE, machIne, mOre, lUnar.
Try to pronounce O like English AW.
Diphthongs. Pronounce vowels separately.
Consonants as in English with following exceptions:
  C always pronounced like CH in English CHurCH.
  J as Y in Yes.
  R must always be pronounced, preferably trilled.
  G must always be hard as in Get.
  H should always be pronounced as in English Help.
  Q pronounced as English QU or KW.
  SC always pronounced like English SH (- but is very rare. A regular pronounciation like S-CH should be possible, too).

(Addition, see the book "Glosa 6000", p. 17:) One or two Greek words start off with awkward-looking pairs of consonants as in psychology. It is prefereable to pronounce the P, but not essential, and can be left to individual discretion.
Analogously, X in the beginning of a word could be pronounced like S, but pronouncing it KS would be better.
Accent gently on vowel before last consonant.

            Glosa     pronounciation

instead     vice      veechay 
meat        karni     kahrrnee 
blue        ciano     cheeahnaw 
wood        xilo      ksilaw or zeelaw 
machine     makina    mahkeenah 
light       lumi      loomee 
question    qestio    kwaysteeaw (error in original: "questio") 
swing       osci      awshee 
white       leuko     layookaw 


Spelling is phonetic. Greek PH replaced by F, CH by K, Y by I, TH by T.


The letters are named as follows (Spelling shows English pronunciation):


Colon precedes items of a catalogue. Fe stude: biologi, kemi.
Comma separates items from each other.
Semi-colon separates clauses, principal and subordinate.
A clause is a group of words containing a finite verb.
There are plenty of examples in the book.

(To steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 6 -

Step 1

a, the, one
plu  more than one
pa  (PAst), did, -ed
fu  (FUture), shall

Mi grafo poesi.  I write poetry.
Mi sporta tenis.  I play tennis.
Mi amo skope televisio.  I like watching television.
Mi amo visita u teatra  I like visiting the theatre.
Mi amo lekto.  I like reading.
Mi lekto e grafo.  I read and write.
Mi lekto u bibli.  I read the book.
Mi fu lekto u bibli.  I shall read the book.
Mi fu gene sko de Glosa.  I will learn Glosa.
Mi amo gene sko de plu lingua.  I like learning languages.
Mi fu lekto plu bibli.  I will read the books.
Mi fu ki ana monti.  I will climb up the mountain.
Mi pa lekto plu bibli.  I read (did read) the books.
Mi pa visita u teatra.  I visited the theatre.
Mi pa audi u radio.  I listened to the radio.


drama  acting
musika  music
kulti plu fito  growing plants
grafo poesi / plu grama  writing poetry / letters
gresi  walking
nekto  swimming
viagia  travel
kanta  singing
kore  dancing
kapti plu piski  catching fish
face plu kerami vasa  making pottery vases
kolekti plu moneta  collecting coins
kolekti plu posta karta  collecting post cards
lekto plu bibli  reading books
fotografi  photography
internexu  networking
audi u radio  listening to radio
kambio plu grama  exchanging letters
gene sko de plu lingua  learning languages
skope televisio  watching television
sporta tenis  playing tennis
plu gram-ami  penfriends
visita u teatra / plu ami  visiting the theatre / friends
trikota e sue  knitting and sewing
soni u piano  playing the piano
amo  to like, love
de  in relation to; with respect to
plu enigma  puzzles
kuko  cooking
plu puta-me ludi  computer games
habe  to have; to possess

- p. 7 -


1 mo
2 bi
3 tri
4 tet or tetra
5 pen or penta
6 six (or sixa)
7 seti or septi
8 ok or okto
9 nona
10 deka
0 ze or zero
11 mo mo
12 mo bi
20 bi ze
50 pen ze
100 mo hekto (original says mo centi, but centi is better for "1/100")
1000 mo kilo
million miliona
92 nona bi
10 in the 6th power    dek a six
5/8, 5 over 8  pen su ok
3,2 tri koma bi
+ plus
- minus
x, by para
3 x 4 = 12 tri para tet eqa mo bi
divide divide
5 books penta bibli
the 5th book  u bibli penta
3 times tri kron
they have 2 each    singu pe habe bi ra
How many? Qo numera? or Qanto?
Count them! Numera mu!
June 8 di ok, meno six
Monday di bi
date datu


This is the Glosa form of the Italian word ciò, which means this, that. In Glosa it means "what I've just said".

It helps to make the very useful Logical Connectors listed below. Glosa is a semantically based language, so that when a group of words shares a common element of meaning this is indicated in the form of each word.

In the old languages like English and French this common element finds no expression.

If you study the following list you will quickly see the usefulness of the device, and will find it easy to make up many others. [Note: In the original book all except ex-co are without hyphens. -co never stands alone, but always in combinations of this kind.]

po-co  after that
plus-co  moreover
homo-co  similarly
para-co  by the way
suma-co  summing up
fini-co  finally
seqe-co  consequently
kontra-co  conversely
ko-co  also
klu-co  even so
akorda-co  accordingly
hetero-co  otherwise
per-co  in this way
tem-co  meanwhile
anti-co  however
metri-co  to that extent
no-klu-co  apart from that
ex-co  from all that

- p. 8 -

Exercise 1

Mi kolekti plu moneta.  I collect coins.
Mi amo lekto e grafo.  I like reading and writing.
Mi grafo plu kanta e poesi.  I write songs and poetry.
Mi fu visita u teatra.  I will visit the theatre.
Mi fu skope u televisio.  I will watch the television.
Mi fu audi u kanta.  I will listen to the singing.
Mi pa audi u musika.  I listened to the music.
Mi pa lekto u grama.  I read (did read) the letter.
Mi pa visita bi ami.  I visited two friends.

Mi habe tri bibli.  I have three books.
Mi lekto u lingua bibli.  I'm reading the language book.
U bibli de plu fito.  A book about plants.
Mi amo sue.  I like sewing.
Mi pa nekto.  I swam.
Mi fu nekto.  I will swim.
Mi amo soni u piano.  I like playing the piano.
Mi pa grafo tri grama.  I wrote three letters.
U bibli de plu enigma.  A puzzle book.


1:           2: 2          3:           4: 
5:           6: 8         

Mo, bi, tri,
dice Glosa ko mi.
Lekto, graf e ludi;
dice Glosa nu-di.
11:           12:           13: 

14:           15:           16:          

5:           7: 
8:           9:           10: 3
11:           13:           16: 
17: 1          18:           19: 

Please click here for solution.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 9 -

Step 2

sio   would if

Fe nima es Iris.  Her name is Iris.
Fe habe tetra anua.  She is four years old.
An nima es George.  His name is George.
An habe tri anua.  He is three years old.
Mi amo kolekti plu moneta.  I like collecting coins.
Mi sio amo grafo u bibli.  I would like to write a book.
Mi matri ergo in domi.  My mother works in the house.
Mi patri-matri soni u piano.  My grandmother plays the piano.
Fe sio amo viagia.  She would love to travel.
Mi patri ergo in pato-do.  My father works in the hospital.
An amo audi musika.  He likes listening to music.
An es u medika-pe.  He is a doctor.
Mi fratri eko in Paris.  My brother lives in Paris.
Mi sorori eko extra Paris.  My sister lives outside Paris.
Place. Gratia. Penite. (Errors in original: Gratio. and Penito.)  Please. Thank you. Sorry.
Mi spe gene tu reakti.  I hope to hear from you.


es  is, be, am, are
Karo ...  Dear ...
tu  you, your
nima  name
in  inside, in
extra  outside, outdoors
anua  year, annual
eko  dwell, live
matri  mother
patri  father
fratri  brother
sorori  sister
ergo  work
domi; -do  house, building
pato  sick; ill
andro  man
an  he, him, his
gina  woman
fe  she, her
persona; pe  person; one
meno  month
gene  get, receive

Exchanging Letters

You can now start corresponding in Glosa. Write about your family, and interests. Here is an example.

Karo Andrew!

Mi pa lekto tu nima in "Plu Glosa Nota"; e mi sio amo kambio plu grama ko tu.

Mi habe deka anua. Mi eko ko mi matri, patri e fratri. Mi matri ergo in domi; e mi patri ergo (error in original eko) in pato-do. An es u medika-pe. Mi fratri habe tri anua. An nima es George. Mi amo lekto, grafo, musika, nekto, kuko, e kolekti plu posta-karta. Mi spe gene tu reakti. Plu Saluta


- p. 10 -

Plu Profesio

Many of the chief amenities of civilized life fall into 18 classes, which in Glosa can be conveniently abbreviated to two letters. By combining these with words representing activities you can build up a very large vocabulary easily involving little strain on the memory. -pe, which is the abbreviation for person can be combined with many of the words you have already learnt.

medika-pe  doctor
medika-fe  female doctor
medika-an  male doctor
piski-pe  fisherman
posta-pe  postman
kore-pe  dancer
kuko-pe  chef, cook
drama-fe  actress
gresi-pe  walker, hiker
sko-pe  instructor, teacher
stude-pe  student, pupil
musika-pe  musician
Italia-pe  Italian person
ergo-pe  worker
nuli-ergo-pe  unemployed person (Other suggestions are nul-ergo-pe or ne-ergo-pe. The original word was minus ergo-pe, but that would mean "without a worker", "lacking a worker" or "workerless".)
plu ergo-pe  staff, workers
eko-pe  inhabitant
habe-pe  proprietor
pato-pe  patient
grafo-pe  author, writer
viagia-pe  traveller
plu kanta-pe  singers
plu audi-pe  audience
nekto-pe  swimmer
monti-pe  mountaineer
plu skope-pe  spectators

When possible use local geographical names, eg. Sweden Sverige, Germany Deutschland, Rome Roma.


leuko  white
melano  black
polio  grey
xanto  yellow
rubi  red
ciano  blue
bruno  brown
leuko-bruno  beige
polio-bruno  fawn
purpuro  purple
purpuro-rubi  crimson
kloro  green
leuko kloro  pale green
sub kloro  greenish
fo-kloro  deep green
melano kloro  dark green
rubi-xanto  orange
minus kroma  colorless

Exercise 2

Mi habe okto anua.  I am 8 years old.
Mi gene sko de Glosa.  I am learning Glosa.
Mi gina-matri es u grafo-fe.  My mother-in-law is a writer.
Fe pa grafo penta bibli.  She has written five books.
Fe habe u puta-me.  She has a computer.
Mi patri es u drama-pe.  My father is an actor.
Plu audi-pe amo an.  The audience like him.
Mi matri es u sko-pe.  My mother is a teacher.
Mi eko in domi tri.  I live in the third house.
Patri-patri.  Grandfather (= father's father)

An habe bi-ze anua.  He is twenty years old.
Un an-piski habe mo anua  The male fish is one year old.
Piski-an  Fisherman.
Tu habe tri-ze moneta  You have 30 coins.
An kulti plu piski  He breeds fishes.
Mi pa gene okto grama  I received eight letters.
Mi pa posta six grama  I posted six letters.
Mi amo audi plu kanta-pe  I like listening to the choir.
Plu persona amo fe  The people like her.
Mi nima es Margaret.  My name is Margaret.

- p. 11 -


Since a place word is usually followed by a noun, there is no need for it to be followed by u(n), the article. For example:

U verba-bibli es epi tabla.  The dictionary is on the table.
Fe pa du gresi longi ripa.  She was walking along the riverbank.

Sedi in gono  sit in the corner
Grafo poesi in Glosa  write poetry in Glosa
Loka id in teka  Put it in the box
An eko kontra na  He lives opposite us
In e peri urba (original says urbs.)   In and around town
Sti id pende a mura (original says Pend id epi mura, which is okay, too. Other prepositions are also possible: Pend id a/de/epi/kata mura)  Hang it on the wall
Registra epi flexi disko (original says diska)  Record on to a floppy disk.
Fe pa loka u mantela epi (original says ep) se.  She put on her coat
Skope u programa per (Original says epi, which is okay, too. Other prepositions would be possible, too: Skope u programa per/ex/in/a/de/epi TV) TV  Watch a program on TV
Viagia trans (original says dia) rura  Travel through the countryside.
Kribri id. (original says Kribra id.)  Strain it through the sieve.
Hidro flu dia tubi.  Water flows through the tube.
Un avi pa peti (original says vola) supra dendro.  The bird flew over the tree.
Ki infra ponti.  Go under the bridge.
An pa dromo trans via.  He ran across the road.
Fe es supra.  She is upstairs.
Fe es infra.  She is downstairs.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 12 -

Step 3

ne  not, negative

Mi patri ne sporta tenis.  My father doesn't play tennis.
An ne amo sporta tenis.  He doesn't like playing tennis.
An ne lekto.  He doesn't read.
An ne amo lekto.  He doesn't like reading.
Mi ne amo skope televisio.  I don't like watching TV.
An ergo in musika-bo.  He works in a music shop.
An ne ergo in pato-do.  He doesn't work in a hospital.
An ne pa sporta tenis pa-di.  He didn't play tennis yesterday.
Fe ne pa visita plu boteka.  She didn't go to the shops.
An ne pa visita fe di-tri.  He didn't visit her on Tuesday.
Na fu visita fe fu-di.  We shall visit her tomorrow.
An pa kapti bi piski nu-di.  He caught two fish today.
Mi patri ne pa ergo pa-di.  My father didn't work yesterday.
An ne ergo nu.  He isn't working now.
An es minus ergo.  He is unemployed.
Mi nu lekto u bibli.  I am now reading the book.
Fu-di na visita na matri-patri.  Tomorrow we visit our grandfather.
Di-tetra an pa visita na.  Wednesday he visited us.
Fu anua mi visita Paris e Roma.  Next year I visit Paris and Rome.
Di-penta mana. Di-mo vespera.  Thursday morning. Sunday evening.


nu  now; present
religio  religion
boteka; -bo  shop
di  day
pa-di  yesterday
nu-di  today
fu-di  tomorrow
mana  morning
di-mo  Sunday
di-bi  Monday
horti  garden
na  we, us, our
mega  big, large, a lot
mo-tetra di  fortnight
setimana  week
vespera  evening

The pa and fu may be omitted if some other word like 'yesterday' fixes the time, eg.

Fu-di mi visita London.  Tomorrow I visit London.


pani-bo  baker's shop
bibli-bo  book shop
karni-bo  butcher's
medika-ma-bo (or farmako-bo. Original says kemi-bo)  chemist's
flori-bo  florist's
frukti-bo  fruiterer's
sito-fito-bo (original says kloro-bo)  green grocer's
sani-bo  health shop
gema-bo  jeweller's
piski-bo  fish-shop
musika-bo  music shop
grafo-bo  stationer
viagia-bo  travel agent

- p. 13 -

Living Things

- p. 14 -

Exercise 3

Mi ne amo ergo in domi.  I don't like working indoors.
Mi ne amo grafo plu grama.  I don't like writing letters.
Fu anua fe visita France.  Next year she visits France.
Pa anua mi es in pato-do.  Last year I was in hospital.
Pa-di na visita plu boteka.  Yesterday we went shopping.
Di-bi na visita u regi-do.  We visit the palace on Monday.
Plu kanta-pe pa kanta in religio-do.  The choir sang in the church.
Fe habe nuli horti.  She hasn't a garden.
An ne amo nekto.  He doesn't like swimming.
Fratri-gina.  Sister-in-law (brother's wife)
Plu lekto-pe.  The readership.

Na ne visita u religio-do.  We don't go to church.
Mu nu kanta.  They are now singing.
Fu setimana mi visita Nice.  Next week I visit Nice.
Fe ne fu visita u sporta-do.  She will not visit the gymnasium.
An habe u di-bibli.  He has a diary.
An ne pa es in domi.  He wasn't at home.
Na pa sporta in mega horti.  We played in the big garden.
Plu mega boteka.  Big shops/ Department stores.
Dora es u domi-fe.  Dora is a house-wife.
sani-sito-bo.  Health food shop.



apis-do  bee-hive
bibli-do  library
bovi-do  cattle shed
religio-do  church, temple
lakti-do  dairy
agri-do  farm-house
face-do  factory
milita-do  fort
vagona-do  garage
sperma-do  granary
pato-do  hospital
kanis-do  kennel (for dogs)
puni-do  prison
fago-do  restaurant
ge-frakti-do  ruin
sko-do  school
equs-do  stable
mega tena-do  warehouse

Plu Glosa Nota, ISSN 0265-6892: This newsletter keeps Glosa users in contact with one another, gives details of Glosa publications and activities and progress.
Articles: linguistic, scientific, technical, educational, Third world issues and conservation, translations, letters, penfriends requests and word games.
PGN is an aid to fluency in Glosa and is suitable for both beginners and advanced students of the language.

Eduka-Glosa, ISSN 0959-8251: The official journal of Glosa Education Organisation (GEO) Registered Charity Number 298237.
Eduka-Glosa emphasizes that apart from being an easy and accurate means of international communication Glosa makes a valuable contribution to general education, giving meaning to the thousands of scientific and technical terms and to the speedy acquisition of the Euro-vocabularies.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 15 -

Step 4

Qe?   starts a question; and "whether ...".

Qe tu lekto u bibli?  Are you reading a book?
Ja! mi lekto u bibli.  Yes, I'm reading a book.
Qe tu pa sporta tenis?  Did you play tenis?
Qe tu fu grafo u grama?  Will you write a letter?
Qe tu gene sko de Glosa?  Are you learning Glosa?
Qe tu eko in Britain alo Suomi?  Do you live in Britain or Finland?
Qe tu visita u sko-do?  Do you go to school?
No. Mi nu ergo in bibli-do.  No! I now work in the library.
Qe tu dice poli lingua?  Do you speak many languages?
Mi dice tri lingua; France-lingua, suomi-lingua e Glosa.  I speak 3 languages, French, Finish and Glosa.
Qe tu es Suomi-pe?  Are you Finnish?
Qe Glosa es tu lingua bi? or Qe Glosa es u lingua bi de tu? Is Glosa your second language?
Tu dice bi lingua, qe?  You speak two languages, don't you?

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Note: Animals and plants have their international biological names. The name of a Genus begins with a Capital. Language name = name of country + lingua; or you can use the native name. Eg. England-lingua or English.

A Letter

Karo Irene,

Poli gratia de tu grama. Ja, mi sio amo kambio plu grama ko tu.
Mi habe mo-tetra anua. E mi habe bi fratri. Leo habe mo-bi anua, e Peter habe dek anua. Mi matri es u sko-fe; e mi patri es u grafo-pe. An grafo plu bibli de viagia, ekologi, auto-auxi, e agrikultura.

Mi amo lekto, musika, plu sporta, ekologi, gresi e viagia. Mi ne amo kuko. Qe tu amo plu zoa e fito? Qe tu habe u Felis alo Kanis? Mi habe u melano Felis.

Plu saluta ex


- p. 16 -

Exercise 4

Qe tu visita u sko-do?  Do you go to school?
Qe tu pa visita u sito-bo?  Did you visit the grocer's?
Qe fe eko in Deutschland?  Does she live in Germany?
Qe an amo plu zoa?  Does he like animals?
Qe an pa ergo in horti?  Was he working in the garden?
Gratia de u kuko-bibli.  Thank you for the cookery book.
Qe tu pa visita Afrika?  Have you been to Africa?
Qe tu amo kulti plu fito?  Do you like growing plants?
Qe il es poli persona in domi?  Are there a lot of people in the building?
Tu es suomi-pe, qe?  You are Finnish, aren't you?

U sko-pe pa dice de ekologi.  The teacher talked about ecology.
Poli kanis ne amo plu felis.  Many dogs don't like cats.
Qe an ergo nu-di?  Is he working today?
Qe mi fu visita u musika-bo?  Shall I visit the music shop?
U bibli de plu avi  A book about birds.
Qe tu amo visita Helas?  Do you like visiting Greece?
Mi amo Afrika musika.  I like African music.
Qe tu habe un avi-do?  Have you an aviary?
Qe il pa es mega soni?  Was there a lot of noise?
Tu pa noku tu pedi, qe?  You've hurt your foot, haven't you?
Mi eko-lo es ...   My address is ...

... [missing: parts of the body (image)]
... [missing: parts of the body (word list)]

- p. 17 -

... [missing: rings and things (word list, words with -zo and -ra)]
... [missing: vessels (image with -va words)]
... [missing: furniture (image with -mo words)]

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 18 -

Step 5

Qo?  What? Which?

Qe tu amo plu zoa?  Do you like animals?
Qo plu speci zoa?  What kinds of animals?
Tu ne amo qo plu speci zoa?  What animals don't you like.
Mi ne amo plu avi.  I don't like birds.
Qo-ka tu ne amo plu avi?  Why don't you like birds?
Qo-horo tu visita fe?  When (What time) do you visit her?
Tu pa vide qo-pe?  Whom did you see?
Qo-te tu pa visita fe?  Why did you visit her?
Qo freqe tu visita an?  How often do you visit him?
Qo-mode tu kuko plu plaka?  How do you cook cakes?
Tu pa kuko qo numera plaka?  How many cakes did you cook?
Mi pa kuko bi-tetra plaka.  I baked 24 cakes.
Tu kamera habe qo metri?  How big is your room?
U pusi kamera. U mega kamera.  A small room. A large room.
U teka habe qo masi?  How heavy is the box?
Tu habe qo numera disko (original says diska) How many plates have you?
U disko (original says diska) habe qo metri?  How big is the plate?
Tu volu qo-ra?  What do you want?
Tu eko qo-lo?  Where do you live?
Mi eko ci. Tu eko la.  I live here. You live there.


Qo speci?  What kind of?
Qo ka?  Why?
Qo-pe?  Who?
Qo-te? (inTEnd)  What purpose?
Qo freqe?  How often?
Qo mode?  What method?
Qo numera?  How many?
Qo metri?  What size?
ci  here
la  there
Qo masi?  How heavy?
Qo-lo?  Where?
Qo-ra?  What thing?
plaka  cake
kamera  room
teka  box
volu  want, wish
disko (original says diska)  plate, disk
pusi  small, little

Exercise 5

Tu dice qo-numera lingua?  How many languages do you speak?
Tu domi habe qo numera kamera?  How many rooms in your house?
Tu visita mu qo-freqe?  How often do you visit them?
Tu horti habe qo-metri?  How big is your garden?
Qo-horo tu nekto?  What time are you going swimming?
Qo-ka fe es in pato-do?  Why is she in hospital?
Qe an habe poli sporta-ra?  Does he have a lot of toys?
Qo-lo es u posta-teka? (error in original posta-tela)  Where is the post-box?
Tu pa telefono a qo-pe?  To whom did you telephone?

Mu domi habe qo-metri?  How big is their (error in original: "your") house?
Tu domi es qo-lo?  Where is your house?
Qo-freqe tu nekto?  How often do you go swimming?
Fe habe qo numera anua?  How old is she?
Qe id es ci? Id ne es la.  Is it here? It isn't there.
Qo-ka tu pa telefono an?  Why did you telephone him?
U disko (original says diska) de plu pusi plaka  A plate of small cakes.
Qe tu habe u mega horti?  Have you a big garden?
Qo-lo tu sio amo eko?  Where would you like to live?
Ave! Vale!  Hello! Goodbye!

- p. 19 -


There are several alternatives to the everyday phrases below, and the advanced Glosa dictionaries provide plenty of synonyms for variety.

Boni di!  Good-day! Hullo!
Boni mana!  Good morning
Boni vespera!  Good evening
Boni nokti!  Good night!
Saluta!  Hullo! Welcome!
Plu Saluta!  Greetings!
Komo tu?  How are you?
Qe tu habe sani? (original says Qe tu es bene?)  Are you well?
Ave!  Hullo!
Vale!  Goodbye!
A re-vide!  Au revoir!
Hedo nati-di!  Happy birthday!
Hedo Kristo-nati!  Merry Christmas!
Hedo Neo Anua!  Happy New Year!
Plu kardia saluta!  Best Wishes!
Plu ami (original says amiko) saluta!  Friendly Greetings!
Plu gratula!  Congratulations!
Mi gratula tu!  I congratulate you!
A tu sani!  Cheers! Good health!
Boni Fortuna!  Good luck! fortunately
Mali fortuna!  Bad luck! unfortunately
Boni viagia!  Have a good journey!
Komo deino!  How terrible!
Komo mira!  What a surprise!
Bene!  Well!
Place. Gratia de ...  Please! Thank you for ...
No! Ja!  No! Yes!
Penite! pardo!  Sorry! Excuse me!
No-gravi!  It's quite alright!
Siniora. Siniorina (Sa.) (The abbreviation Sa. seems to belong to both, Siniora and Siniorina. A better suggestion for a honorific word would be Civi [citizen], that can be used for both genders, or you can specify an-Civi, fe-Civi, ju-fe-Civi, if you need.)  Mrs. Miss (Ms)
Sinior (Sr.) (A better suggestion for a honorific word would be Civi [citizen], that can be used for both genders, or you can specify an-Civi, fe-Civi, ju-fe-Civi, if you need.)  Mr.
Qe?  Isn't it?
Qe, veri?  Really?
A tu sinceri (Saluta is preferable as a letter sign-off.)  Yours sincerely

- p. 20 -



sto-me  brake
pikto-me  camera
gira-me  centrifuge
puta-me  computer
horo-me  clock
fla-me  fan
disko-me  disk drive
metri-me  gauge
termo-me  heater
glaci-me  freezer
leva-me  jack
frigi-me  refrigerator
sue-me  sewing machine
skizo-me  shredder

Glosa 1000

es un organiza de 1000 internatio Latin e Greko radi ad-in expresi e eufoni Internatio Auxi Lingua (IAL).

Glosa es u mikro modifi de "Interglossa" ex Prof. Lancelot Hogben; Pelikan Books 1943.

In jurnala "Plu Glosa Nota" pe monstra; per uti 1000-ci radi id es delekta facili de traduce ali tema, skience, tekno alo literari.

Glosa du expande trans munda; plu diktionari es in plu biblioteka; e plu gram-ami kambio plu grama e plu kaseta. Plura persona es nexu-pe pro mu regio.

Glosa Education Organisation (GEO), ge-registra karita numera 298237 tende: Publika u lingua. Provide info de id inter plu persona, plu studenta e plu eduka-pe in holo munda. E de sti u doci de Glosa in plu eduka-do.

U GEO jurnala ge-nima "Eduka-Glosa" emfasi; Glosa es un IAL; sed plus id auxi u logi de internatio skience terminologi; e sti rapidi u logi de plu Latin e Greko vokabulari.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 21 -

Step 6

U-ci  This (the-here)
U-la  That (the-there)

U-ci bibli. U-la bibli.  This book. That book.
Qe tu pa lekto u-ci bibli?  Have you read this book?
No! Sed mi pa lekto u-la bibli.  No! But I've read that book.
Mi fu grafo ad u-la gina.  I will write to that lady.
Fe pa grafo u-ci grama a mi.  She wrote this letter to me.
Qe mu eko in u-la domi?  Do they live in that house?
Fe pa don a mi plu-ci kali flori; e plu-la fito.  She gave me these beautiful flowers, and those plants.
An ergo in u-ci domi.  He works in this building.
Mi fu vora u-la plaka.  I will eat that cake.
U-ci plaka es mega.  This cake is big.
Bi-ci plaka es mega.  These two cakes are big.
Bi-ci plaka habe mega.  These two cakes are big.
Mu pa skope a mi.  They looked towards me.
An pa dice gratia a mi de u bibli.  He thanked me for the book.
Mi eko 3, Castle St. London.  I live at 3, Castle St. London.
Mi nati-di es di bi-penta meno penta.  My birthday is on the 25th May.
Urba e rura.  Town and country.
France es u Euro-landa.  France is a Euro-country.

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Exercise 6

U-ci avi kanta kali.  This bird sings beautifully.
An fu gresi a fe domi fu-di..  He will walk to her house tomorrow.
Mi pa posta u-la grama pa-di.  I posted that letter yesterday.
Mi pa grafo a fe pa setimana; sed fe ne pa responde.  I wrote to her last week, but she didn't reply.
Tri-ci flori habe kali.  These three flowers are lovely.
U medika-pe pa dice a pato-pe..  The doctor spoke to the patient.
Glosa es eu fono.  Glosa sounds nice.
Qe tu amo u-ci landa?.  Do you like this country?
Komo (= Qo-mode) tu Glosa u-la?  How do you translate that into Glosa?
Nu-di vespera. Fu-di mana.  This evening. Tomorrow morning.

Plu-ci avi es kali.  These birds are beautiful.
Mi amo gene sko de u-ci lingua.  I like learning this language.
Mi fu dice Glosa.  I will speak in Glosa.
Qe u-ci es tu domi?  Is this your house?
Mi pa visita u mega kali religio-do in Paris.  I visited the big beautiful church in Paris.
Tu dice qo plu lingua?  Which languages do you speak?
Mi volu gene sko de u France-lingua.  I want to learn French.
Qe tu habe u sko-bibli?  Have you an instruction book?
extra-landa  abroad
An pa dice qo?  What did he say?

- p. 22 -

... [missing: Place (list with -lo-words)]
... [missing: Materials (list with -ma-words)]
... [missing: Set, Bundle (list with -fa-words)]
... [missing: Fi-Lament, Thread (list with -fi-words)]
... [missing: Stone (list with -li-words)]

A Letter

Karo Andrew,

Ja, mi amo plu zoa e plu fito. Mi habe okto piski. Il es poli kali flori in na horti; e freqe mi ergo ko mi matri in horti.

U nima de tu felis es qo? Tu amo qo speci sporta? Qe tu dice poli lingua? Mi gene sko de Francais; e fu-anua mi visita France. Qe tu pa visita u-la landa? Mi amo France; mi amo plu France-pe, u bio-mode, u landa, e, sura France fago-ma.

Mi lekto plu bibli de viagia, kuko, plu manu-tekno e plu zoa-histori. Tu lekto qo plu speci bibli?

Poli saluta


- p. 23 -

Things to Eat

... [missing: Things to Eat (picture)]

Things to Eat - A Few Phrases

mixa u margarina (original says mix u margarin) e sukro-ma  cream the margarine and sugar
mixa bi ova  beat two eggs
fria u kasea  grate the cheese
spora plu sperma supra  sprinkle seeds on top
peli / lami u pomi  peel / slice an apple
frakti / fria plu nuki (original says nuci)  crack / chop the nuts
buli un oriza in ge-sali aqa  boil the rice in salted water
pande butiri epi pani  spread butter on bread
lipo / vapo / gril u piski  fry / steam / grill the fish
kuk e mixa plu ova  scramble the eggs
furna plu potato  roast the potatoes
fusi sos epi pasta  pour sauce on the pasta
kribri u farina  sieve the flour

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 24 -

Step 7

gene  get a thing or quality
ge-  got -, -ed, -en

Mi es ge-nima Irene.  I am called Irene.
An pa frakti u fenestra.  He broke the window.
U fenestra pa gene frakti.  The window got broken.
u ge-frakti fenestra  a broken window
u bibli ge-grafo ex G. B. Shaw  a book written by G. B. Shaw
Fe pa gene six grama nu-di.  She got six letters today.
Tu pa gene nati di okto, meno penta.  You were born on the 8th May.
mo nona septi okto (error in original mo nona centi okto)  1978
U glacia pa gene liqi.  The ice melted.
Glacia es ge-geli aqa.  Ice is frozen water.
Mi gene sko de Deutsch.  I am learning German.
Gene sko de Glosa es fo facili.  Learning Glosa is very easy.
Gene sko de Russki es no-facili.  Learning Russian is difficult.
u kali fito   a beautiful plant
u no-mega avi  a small bird
u no-kali dom  an ugly building
ne-ge-volu (Original says no-ge-volu, but that would be more "detest")  unwanted
Fe pa face plu vasa tekno.  She made the vases skilfully.
An grafo no-tekno.  He writes awkwardly.
U piski pa gene kuko.  The fish got cooked.
u ge-kuko piski  a cooked fish
ne-ge-kuko (original says no-ge-kuko, but the opposite of kuko is geli - freeze)  raw, uncooked
An pa ki ex domi  He went out of the house.
Fe pa ki ad-in religio-do.  She went into the temple.

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Exercise 7

Mi pa gene nati di penta, meno mo-bi.  I was born on December 5th.
Mega hidro.  A lot of water.
Poli zoa.  A lot of animals.
Mu telefono ne funktio.  Their telephone isn't working.
U kamera es no-foto; kausa u lampa ne funktio.  The room is dark; because the lamp isn't working.
Poli persona lose bio; kausa mu habe ne sati sito e hidro.  Many people die because they do not have enough food and water.

Id gene no-foto.  It's getting dark.
Id gene termo.  It's getting hot.
U bibli ge-nima "The Artificial Language Movement" ex Dr. Large; e ge-publika ex Blackwell 1986; tena mega info de poli internatio auxi lingua.  The book titled "The Artificial Language Movement" by Dr. Large and published by Basil Blackwell in 1986 has a lot of information about many International Auxiliary Languages.
Klari/ No-klari fotografi.  Sharp/ Blurred photograph.

- p. 25 -

... [missing: NO- forms opposites (wordlist)]
... [missing: Get and got (wordlist gene, ge-)]
... [missing: Clothes (wordlist ve- with pictures)]
... [missing: Cloths (wordlist te- with pictures)]

- p. 26 -


... [missing: Travel - 4 pictures with words]

- p. 27 -

Travel - A Few Phrases

Merka u bileta a ...  Buy a ticket to ...
ab bileta, versi bileta, anua bileta  single ticket, return ticket, season ticket
Mi pa lose mi teka.  I have lost my suitcase.
tena u (error in original: a) sedi  reserve a seat
ne-fumi-mero (original says no-fumi-mero)  non smoking compartment
qestio de plu ab-horo  enquire about departure times
verifi u horo-tabula  check the time table
Pro qo tem u-ci bilet habe valu?  For how long is this ticket valid?
Tu trena ki ab plata tri a 14:00 horo.  Your train departs from platform 3 at 14:00 hrs.
Qo-lo na nece kambio?  Where do we have to change?
prima klasi, klasi bi (original says sekunda klasi)  first class, second class
tako, lento  fast, slow
prima trena de di, ultima trena de di (original says pre-kron trena, po-kron trena )  early train, late train
ki per fu-trena a Paris  take the next train to Paris
Mi es in falsi trena.  I am on the wrong train.
Fe nece ki tako.  She is in a hurry.
Qe, u-ci trena sto (original says stop) a ...?  Does this train stop at ...?
Mi pa lose u trena a ...   I have missed the train for ...
Qo-lo u ge-lose ra ofici, place?  Where is the lost property office, please?
Qe, tu pote dic a mi u via a ...?  Can you tell me the way to ...?
tropi a dextro/ levo (original says levo)  turn right/ left
ki rekti  go straight ahead
Prende na a bi horo.  Pick us up at 2 o'clock.
Mi pa gene sto in kongesti.  I was held up in a traffic jam.
Evita un akro horo.  Avoid the rush-hour.
Qe u garage funktio holo noktu? (original says Qe, u garage es apri holo noktu?)  Is the garage open all night?
tem habe u vagona  hire a car
Mi pa uti holo benzina.  I've run out of petrol.
U defekti. Mal-acide.  Break-down. Accident.
kambio a tako tetra/ tri  change into 4th/ 3rd gear
Mi nece bus numera qo? (original says Qe, mi volu qo numera bus?)  Which number bus do I need?
U plana es bi-ze minuta po-kron kausa nebu/ tempestu  The plane is 20 minutes late due to fog/ storm.
Qo horo na landa?  When do we land?
Na fu landa po deka minuta.  We shall land in 10 minutes.
Sto plu cigareta; e fixa tu bio-zo place.  Put out your cigarettes and fasten seat-belts, please.
ki dia fiska-do  pass through customs
Apri u-ci teka, place.  Open this suitcase, please.
Mi habe zero de deklara.  I have nothing to declare.
viagia-insura  travel insurance

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 28 -

Step 8

posi  may, might, perhaps
nece  must, have to

Mi fu posi sporta tenis.  I will perhaps play tennis.
An habe u poesi-bibli.  He has a poetry book.
Posi an fu dona id a mi.  Perhaps he will give it to me.
Fe fu posi mite u grama a mi.  She might send a letter to me.
Mi nekto in termo hidro.  I swim in warm water.
Un hidro es termo.  The water is hot.
Un hidro habe termo.  The water is hot.
Panto fito nece gene foto.  All plants must have light.
Mi nece ergo nu-di mana.  I have to work this morning.
Mi pa nece visita u medika-pe.  I had to visit the doctor.
Mi fu nece akti id.  I shall have to do it.
Panto plaka. Un holo plaka.  All the cakes. The whole cake.
Panto-di. Un holo di.  Every day. The whole day.
U pluso bibli.  Another (additional) book.
Un hetero bibli.  Another (different) book.
Mu eko alo London alo Paris.  They live in either London or Paris.
Il pa es poli avi in horti.  There are a lot of birds in the garden.
Qe tu ski u boni fago-do proxi ci? (original says ... peri ci?)  Do you know a good restaurant around here?

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Exercise 8

Posi mi visita France fu anua.  I might visit France next year.
Posi na fu ki a bibli-bo.  We may go to the book-shop.
Plu piski pa lose bio; kausa un hidro pa ki ex piski-va.  The fishes died because the water leaked out of the tank.
Qe tu fu petitio fe de telefono mi?  Will you ask her to telephone me?
Mi volu dic a fe de id.  I want to talk to her about it.
Tu nati-lingua es qo?  What is your native tongue?
Qo numera horo u telefono ne funktio?  How many hours has the phone been out of order?
Na nece merka u neo-ra.  We must buy another one.
Qo numera anua ex tu pa visita Nice?  How long since you visited Nice?

Mi nece ki a Paris fu-setimana.  I must go to Paris next week.
Mi nece telefon a fe nu-di.  I must 'phone her today.
An pa nece ki ex domi.  He had to go out of the house.
Posi mi fu skope televisio.  I might watch television.
U-la es no-posi.  That is impossible.
Tu Kanis habe qo kroma?  What color is your dog?
An pa kroma u domi.  He painted the house.
Mi nece qestio mu de id.  I must ask them about it.
Fe pa proto kanta.  She started to sing.
Qo anua tu pa gene nati?  When were you born?
Qo horo tu pa proto ergo?  What time do you start work?
Qo-freqe tu stude Glosa?  How often do you study Glosa?

- p. 29 -

The House

... [missing: The House - picture with words]

- p. 30 -

The House - A Few Phases

merka / vendo tu domi  buy / sell your house
eko in neo domi  move to a new house
prende un hipoteka  take out a mortgage
tem-habe u domi  rent a house
Proprie-pe. Tem eko-pe.  Owner. Tenant.
domi-fe  housewife
brosa kuko-ka pedi-lo  sweep kitchen floor
sistema u sedi-ka  tidy the lounge
puri u tape  vacuum the carpet
re taxo plu mobili  rearrange the furniture
in ante-ka / poste-ka  in the front / back room
ki ana / kata  go upstairs / downstairs
klavi / no-klavi u porta  lock / unlock the door
soni u fronta porta kampani  ring the front door bell
klude / apri u fenestra  close / open the window
balno se  take a bath
kuko u vespera vora  cook the evening meal
Qo-lo tu eko?  Where do you live?
Qe Sr. / Sa. X es a domi?  Is Mr. / Ms. X at home?
Place veni in.  Please come in.
Senti a tu domi  Make yourself at home
Qe, tu fu resta ci u setimana?  Will you stay with us for a week?
Ex tu kamera tu skope un horti.  Your room overlooks the garden.
Mi spe; tu fu senti hedo ci.  I hope you will be comfortable.
Dic a mi; si tu volu ali-ra.  Let me know if you need anything.
Na vora a seti horo.  We eat at 7 o'clock.

A Letter

Karo Irene,

Mi Felis es ge-nima Felix. Plus, mi habe plu piski; sed mu ne eko in horti. Mu eko in piski-va in mi kamera. Mu nece habe ge-termo hidro. Mi habe mo-tri piski; e poli mu habe plu kali kroma. Pa setimana mo piski pa lose bio. Fu-di es mi nati-di. Posi mi matri fu don a mi u pluso piski te vice id.

Mi ne dice u France-lingua. Mi dice bi lingua; mi nati lingua Deutsch; e un Internatio Auxi Lingua Glosa. Mi ne pa ki a France. Mi pa visita Italia, Danemark, Cina e España. Posi mi fu ki ad India.

Mi amo lekto plu bibli de ekologi, viagia, sporta e plu histori. Mi amo sporta tenis e pedi-bola. Mi ne skope televisio freqe; sed mi amo akusti u radio.

Qe tu kambio plu grama ko poli Glosa-pe? Tu pa gene sko de Glosa pre qo numera anua? Qo-ka tu pa proto uti Glosa? Mi nece fini grafo u-ci grama; ka id es un horo de ki a sko-do.

Plu ami saluta,


(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 31 -

Step 9

tem  time, during
kron  brief time, instant

Qe tu habe un horo-me?  Have you a clock?
Qo horo? Id es penta horo.  What's the time? It's 5 o'clock.
nona minuta po tri horo  9 minutes past 3
tri-ze minuta po tetra horo  30 minutes past 4
mo-six tri-ze  16.30
bi-penta minuta pre sixa horo  25 minutes to six
mo-seti tetra-bi  17.42
Meso-di. Meso-nokti.  Mid-day, noon. Midnight.
po meso-di  afternoon
Sixa-ze sekunda eqa mo minuta.  60 seconds equal one minute.
Bi-tetra horo eqa mo di.  24 hours equal one day.
Na pa ki a Roma tem meno tri.  We went to Rome in March.
Tem na pa ki ana monti; id pa proto pluvi.  While we were going up the mountain, it started to rain.
Mi pa telefono a fe bi kron.  I phoned her twice.
tri kron singu (original says kron un) anua / di  three times a year / day
Fe pa eko in India tem mo anua.  She lived in India for one year.
Mi nu eko in Italia.  I now live in Italy.
Mi eko Italia ex bi anua retro.  I have been living in Italy for two years.
Mi pa veni ad Italia pre bi anua.  I came to Italy two years ago.
Mi pa veni ad Italia bi anua retro.  I came to Italy two years ago.
Blasto-tem. Termo-tem.  Spring-time. Summer-time.
Sperma-tem. Frigi-tem.  Autumn. Winter.


minuta  minute
sekunda  second
po  after, post-
pre  before, pre-vious
meso  middle, centre
pluvi  rain
na  we, us, our
blasto  bud
sperma  seed
veni  come, arrive

Exercise 9

Qo horo u medika-pe pa veni?  What time did the doctor come?
Id es nu tetra horo; e an ne es ci.  It is now 4 o'clock and he not yet arrived.
Kron an veni place dic a mi.  When he comes please tell me.
Tem meno-mo na pa ki a London.  During January we went to London.
Tem na pa eko in Paris mu pa visita na bi kron.  While we were living in Paris, they visited us twice.
Fe eko in domi bi.  She lives in the second house.
An pa ki in domi.  He entered the house.

Mi fu atende ci tem mo horo.  I will wait here for one hour.
Mi pa veni meso-di.  I came at mid-day.
Mi fu eko in England tem deka anua.  I will live in England for 10 years.
Telefon a mi; kron an veni.  Phone me when he comes.
Mi volu vide an; kron an veni.  I want to see him when he comes.
U bibli "Interglossa" ex Hogben pa gene publika 1943.  The book "Interglossa" by Hogben was published in 1943.

- p. 32 -

A Street Scene

U-ci es u strata-vista. U longi rekti rota via (1) e bi pedi-via (2). Prima, skop u laevo pedi-via (3).

A gono (4) es u posta-teka (5). U-ci hab u stoma (6) ad-in qi pe bali plu grama. Infra stoma es un horo-tabula (6a); qi indika plu kolekti-horo. Poste posta-teka es u pani-bo (7); e supra u-ci u strata-nima ... Ponti via.
Il es bi pla poste
(original says intra) fenestra (10). Epi supra pla es plu pani (11); e epi infra-pla es plu plaka (12). Ante boteka u gina (13) gresi longi pedi-via. Fe fero u boteka-saka (14) in dextro manu; e per laevo manu fe trakto u rota-saka (15). Ma tele u porta (16) fero u karta (17). Ultra porta es u fenestra de bibli-bo (18). Prox u-ci es u pedi-kruci (19); epi qi es u ju-fe (20) ko kanis (21) ge-liga a duce-fi (22). U ju-fe e u kanis nu-fu ki ad-epi pedi-via. Ante pedi-kruci es ge-parka u moto cikla (23). Para bibli-bo es u 'fono-teka (24); e, ma-tele, u kinema-porta (25).

Nu, skop u dextro pedi-via (2). Prima, il es u vesti-bo (26); e supra u-ci u fago-do (27). Extra vesti-bo es u bus sto (28) e u sto-pali (29); qi fero un horo-tabula (30). A pedi de pali es u rudi-va (31). Supra boteka-fenestra es bi insignia (32). Il es bi plus boteka longi u-ci dextro latu, u sito-fito-bo (original says kloro-bo) (33) e u piski-bo (34). Supra u-ci es u kamera-fa (35); e supra sito-fito-bo (original says kloro-bo) es u denti-ka (36). Pe vide u denti-pe (37) e u pato-pe (38). Extra piski-bo (34) ad (error in original es) u singu-fini de pedi-kruci (19) es plu sema-lampa (39). Ma-tele es u latu-via (40); a proxi (error in original e proxo) gono es u strata-lampa (41). A ma-tele gono es u banka (42) e u deiko-via (43). Poste banka es u mega domi (44), u ponti (45); epi qi es u trena (46); e poste panto-ci es plu tele-buna (47).

- p. 33 -

Psalm 23

U Teo es mi pastora. Mi ne fu fami;  The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want;
An don a mi u kli in kloro agri.  He makes me lie down in green pastures.
An duce mi para plu paci aqa;  He leads me beside still waters.
An fresko mi spiritu.  He restores my soul.
An duce mi in plu via de veri, pro an nima.  He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
Klu kron mi gresi dia vali de umbra de morta, mi fobo nuli kako;  Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil;
Ka Tu es ko mi;  for Thou art with me;
Tu baci e Tu ovi-ru konsola mi  Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me
Tu prepar u tabla pro mi kontra mi plu anti-pe;  Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
Tu flu olea epi mi kefa;   Thou anointest my head with oil,
Mi kalici supra flu.  my cup runneth over.
Sura, agata e pardo fu seqe mi panto di de bio;  Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;
E mi fu eko in domi de Teo holo tem.  and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.


teo          God                G. THEOlogy  
pastora      shepherd           PAST-, feed 
habe         have               HABE cog. HAVE  
pan          all                PAN-AM  
nece         necessary, must    NECEssary  
dona         give               DONAte  
kli          bed                G. KLInic  
duce         lead               introDUCE  
para         beside             PARAllel  
veri         truth, truly       VERY  
nima         name               G. pseudoNYM  
klu          even               inCLUding  
kron         when               G. CHRONology  
gresi        walk               proGRESS  
umbra        shadow             UMBRella  
kako         bad, evil          G. KAKOphony  
ka           because            beCAuse  
baci         rod                BACIllus  
ovis         sheep              OVIne  
anti-pe      enemy              ANTI-PErson  
flu          flow, pour         FLUent   
kefa         head               G. CEPHAlic  
kalici       cup                CALYX  
agata        goodness           G. AGATHA  
seqe         follow             conSEQUEnce  
pan(to)      all                G. PANTOmime  
eko          dwell              G. ECOnomics  
domi, -do    house              DOMIcile  
holo         whole              HOLOcaust  
tem          time               TEMporal  

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 34 -

Step 10

forti; fo-  very, intense

Id es u forti termo landa.  It is a very hot country.
U textili habe forti kloro.  The cloth is deep green.
u forti interese bibli  a very interesting book
Mi fo pa kogita de u-la bibli.  I thought hard about that book.
Mi fo volu visita Cina.  I very much want to visit China.
Mi doxo; id es u forti interese landa.  I believe it is a very interesting country.
Na pa eko forti proxi Paris.  We lived very near to Paris.
An pa veni a Paris per trena.  He came to Paris by train.
An pa trena a Paris.  He 'trained' to Paris.
An pa trena ab London.  He went by train from London.
Na pa unio kon an a tri horo.  We met him (by appointment) at three.
Na pa inkontra (original says enkontra) fe a tri horo.  We met her (by chance) at three.
Fe pa stude plu Glosa verba.  She studied the Glosa vocabulary.
Per Glosa 1000 pe pote grafo alo dice de panto (original says de ali tema) tema.  By means of Glosa 1000 you can write or speak on any theme.
Glosa es fo kongru pro plu puta-me.  Glosa is very suitable for computers.
Plura Glosa-pe komunika per puta-me nexu.  Several Glosa speakers communicate through a computer network.

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Exercise 10

Tu veni ex qo landa?  Which country do you come from?
Qe tu ski il es plura trena ab Roma a Milano?  Do you know that there are several trains from Rome to Milan.
In tu landa pe dice qo numera lingua?  How many languages are spoken in your country?
Na pa komunika per Glosa.  We conversed through Glosa.
U munda auxi-lingua es nece pro munda komunika.  A World Auxiliary Language is essential for World Communication.
Plu Glosa verba es fo-facili de memo.  Glosa vocabulary is very easy to remember.

An pa trena a London.  He went to London by train.
Fe pa stude forti.  She studied hard.
Mu pa face musika per piano.  They made music by means of the piano.
Pe kuko per kuko-me.  We cook by means of a cooker.
Mi pote dice Glosa fo facili.  I can speak in Glosa very easily.
Pe pote facili komunika in Glosa per puta-me.  One can easily communicate in Glosa by computer.
U-ci es kausa Glosa habe zero no-facili gramatika; e singu verba habe solo mo semani.  This is because Glosa has no complicated grammar, and each word has only one meaning.
U-ci verba semani qo?  What does this word mean?

- p. 35 -


... [missing: picture with a hospital scene]
... [missing: word list to the hospital scene picture]

- p. 36 -

Hospital - A Few Phrases

Mi ne este sani.  I don't feel well.
Ge-turba gastro. Kef algo.  Upset stomach. Head ache.
Sito-toxi. Hipertermia.  Food poisoning. Sunstroke.
Fe pa lose konski.  She has fainted.
Il pa es u mal-acide.  There has been an accident.
Fe es mali ge-busti.  She is badly burnt.
An habe u ge-frakti braki.  He has a broken arm.
Place kla u pato-vagona.  Please call an ambulance.
Qe il es u medika-pe proxi ci?  Is there a doctor near here?
Qe, mi pote habe u visita kron?  Can I make an appointment?
Qe, tu habe u bandage?  Do you have a bandage?
loka unktu-ma (error in original ungu-ma) epi vulne  put ointment on the wound
Qe u-ci medika-ma funktio?  Is this medicine effective?
Seis u botilia pre uti.  Shake the bottle before use.
Bibe bi spatula de medika-ma bi kron singu di. (original says Bibe bi spatula-ple bi kron u di.)  Take two spoonfuls twice a day.
po / pre / tem vora  after / before / during meals
U maxi proxi medika-ma-bo es qo-lo? (original says Qo-lo u maxi proxi kemi-bo?)  Where is the nearest chemist shop?

A Letter

Karo Andrew,

Qo anua tu fu ki ad India? Mi doxo; India es u fo interese landa. Mi fo amo plu India textili; mu habe poli kroma. Qo metri tem tu fu eko la? E tu fu eko in qo urba?

Il es poli komunika problema in India; mu habe bi-penta duce-lingua; e plus-co 1,600 loka lingua. Solo 40 % India-pe dice Hindi; qi es u duce-lingua de u-la landa.

Nu mi respone a plu qestio de tu:

Mi kambio plu grama ko tetra Glosa-pe; mo andro in Afrika, bi Cina-fe, e mo France gina. Mi posi visita fe u prima kron fu anua. Fe eko fo proxi Paris.

Mi doxo; Glosa fu auxi munda kon-ergo e internatio komunika. U Munda-lingua es fo-nece. U-ci es u kausa; mi pa proto uti Glosa. Il es poli kilo lingua in Munda; e pe ne pote gene ski de panto-mu! Mi komunika per Glosa ex pre nona meno. Solo mo di po mi pa gene Glosa 1000 verba lista; mi pa proto kambio plu Glosa grama. Po proxi bi meno mi pa proto stude Glosa 6000; nu mi pote grafo, dice e lekto u-la lingua fo flu facili. Mi amo id forti; e doxo; id es u fo eufoni lingua

Poli saluta


(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 37 -

Step 11

debi  ought to, should

Mi pa noku mi pedi.  I have hurt my foot.
Mi ne pote gresi.  I can't walk.
Qe tu permito; mi habe u vitri-va (original says only vitri) Can I have a glass?
No! Mi ne permito; tu habe mo.  No! You can't have it.
Mi ne dona permito.  I will not allow it.
Fe pa gene permito de resta in u-la landa tem mo anua.  She got permission to stay in the country for one year.
Mi pa debi visita fe.  I ought to have visited her.
Tu debi buli un hidro pre bibe id.  You ought to boil the water before drinking it.
Singu manu habe penta digi.  Each hand has five fingers.
Singu tabla (original says Panto tabla, but that would be more exactly: "All the tables ... ") habe tetra poda.  Each table has four legs.
Solo mo persona pote dice Glosa.  Only one person can speak Glosa.
U-la andro pote dice solo Glosa.  That man can speak only Glosa.
Na pa cerko panto-lo; sed ne pa pote detekti mu.  We looked everywhere but couldn't find them.
Mu debi es in mi kamera.  They ought to be in my room.
Mi visita fe singu di-tri.  I visit her every Tuesday.
Mi visita an singu tri di.  I visit him every three days.

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Exercise 11

Qe tu pote dice Glosa?  Can you speak Glosa?
Dona bi karta a singu sporta-pe.  Give two cards to each player.
Qe tu pote lava bi-ci vitri-va (original says only vitri), place?  Please can you wash these two glasses?
Panto-pe debi bibe tri mega vitri-va (original says only vitri) de hidro singu di.  Everyone should drink three large glasses of water every day.
Qe tu permito mi sporta tenis nu-di?  Can I play tennis today?
Tu volu bibe qo-ma?  What would you like to drink?
Qe mi lice habe u tasa de tea, place?  Can I have a cup of tea, please?
Fe pa debi dice a tu de id.  She ought to have told you about it.
Qe tu doxo; mi debi ki a medika-pe?  Do you think I should go to the doctor?
ge-va frukti (original says va frukti)  tinned fruit

An es pato; mi debi visita an.  He is ill. I ought to visit him.
U vitri-va (original says only vitri) pa es ge-noku.  The glass was damaged.
Qe tu permito mi uti tu sue-me?  May I use your sewing-machine?
U-ci tasa habe zero manu-ra.  This cup hasn't a handle.
Id pa pluvi un holo di.  It rained all day.
Tem na pa es in France; id pa pluvi singu di.  While we were in France it rained every day.
Tu debi seka u-ci fito singu sperma-tem.  You should prune this plant every autumn.
Tu ne pa debi bibe id.  You should not have drunk it.
Id es mi debi de auxi tu.  It is my duty to help you.
Frukti-va. Ami-uti.  Fruit bowl / container. User-friendly.

- p. 38 -


... [missing: picture with things about communication]
... [missing: word list to the picture]

- p. 39 -

Communications - A Few Phrases

viagia peri munda  travel around the world
demo transporta  public transport
bali u raketa  launch a rocket
petitio / mite info  request (original says "receive", but that would be gene) / send information
skop u video  watch a video
registra epi kaseta  record a cassette
telefono (original says face u foni-kla)  make a phone call
kompos u numera  dial a number
komposi / kla toni  dialling / ringing tone
line aktivi  line engaged
pende  hang up
ge-seka  cut off
Inter-urba kla. Loka kla.  Trunk / local call.
Nexi-taba. Nexi-do.  Switch board. Exchange.
numera-ofici  directory enquiries
linqi mesage epi repli-me  leave a message on the answering machine
Dice po toni.  Speak after the tone.
ge-registra mesage  recorded message
tabla-publika (error in original: taba-publika)  desk top publishing
Klavi in. Printa ex.  Key in. Print out.
format u disko (original says diska)  format a disk
uti u programa  run a program
salva info  save information
apri u dosie  open up a file
bali fax a ...  send a fax to ...
sekuri kopi  make a back-up copy
ma-dinami  upgrade the system
tele-konference  take part in a tele-conference
duce un publika kampania  run an advertising campaign
Place adi mi nima a tu posta lista.   Please add my name to your mailing list.
Plu norma ofici horo es ex ok tri-ze a mo seti tri-ze.  Normal office hours are from 8.30 to 17.30.
Mi fu es in ofici holo di.  I shall be in the office all day.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 40 -

Step 12

ma ... de  more ... than
mei ... de  less ... than

Fe pa lava plura tasa.  She washed some cups.
Mi habe mero plaka.  I have a piece of cake.
Mi ma amo plu felis de plu kanis.  I prefer cats to dogs.
U-ci avi es ma mega de u-la.  This bird is bigger than that one.
Id es ma-termo nu-di de pa-di.  It's hotter today than yesterday.
U-ci flori es ma-kali de u-la.  This flower is prettier than that.
U-ci via es mei lati de u-la.  This road is narrower than that.
Il pa es mei pluvi nu-di.  There was less rain today.
U-ci verba habe un iso semani de u-la verba.  This word has the same meaning as that word.
An ne pa pote memo plu verba seqe-co an pa merka u verba-bibli. He couldn't remember the words so he bought a dictionary.
Fe ne pa ki ex; vice-co fe pa resta intra.  She didn't go out. Instead she stayed indoors.
Un hidro pa habe fo frigi; anti-co an pa ki nekto.  The water was very cold nevertheless he went swimming.
Fe volu komunika ko poli persona in poli hetero landa; seqe-co fe stude e uti Glosa.  She wants to communicate with many people in many countries; consequently she is studying and using Glosa.
Il es ma de 5000 lingua.   There are more than 5000 languages.
U deino di!  What a terrible day!
Qe tu habe mero grafo-liqi?  Have you some ink?
Penite, mi habe zero.  Sorry, I have none.

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Exercise 12

U-ci flori es ma-pusi de u-la  This flower is smaller than that.
Mi habe iso numera moneta de tu.  I have as many coins as you.
Fe pa gresi minus tende.  She walked aimlessly.
Qo anua tu pa ki extra-landa?  When did you go abroad?
An habe ma plaka de mi.  He (original says "She", certainly an error) has more cake than I.
U-ci viki es ma-pusi de u-la.  This village is smaller than that.
Qe tu habe u ma-pusi teka?  Have you a smaller box?

U-ci viki es ma mega de u-la.  This village is larger than that.
Plu tende de GEO (original spells Geo) es qo?  What are the aims of GEO (original spells "Geo")?
Glosa dona semani a plu internatio verba de skience e teknologi.  Glosa gives meaning to the international words of science and technology.
Glosa soni homo Italiano.  Glosa sounds (original book adds "a bit") like Italian.
Fe es u Glosa nexu-pe pro Napoli.  She is a Glosa link-person for Naples.
valuta-me  cash register

- p. 41 -


... [missing: picture with tools]
... [missing: word list to the picture]

- p. 42 -

Tools - A Few Phrases

Male un aku. Fix un oklu.  Hammer a nail. Tighten a nut.
ki ana / ki kata u skala  ascend / descend the ladder
fix u skeleto  put up scaffolding
non-helika uno-ra  unscrew something
sera ligni te face bi semi (original says semi u mero ligni)  saw the piece of wood in half
fac u fora in metali pla  drill a hole in the metal shelf
akuto u cise-ru  sharpen the chisel
apo u ge-oxidi aku  pull out the rusty nail
lustra / vernisa u ligni (original says poli / verni u ligni)  polish / varnish the wood
fixa plu tegula epi mura  stick the tiles on to the wall
diluti u kroma  thin the paint
lav u brosa  wash the brush
kroma u domi-extra  paint the outside of the house
sek u vitri  cut the glass
diplo vitri  double glazing
leva plu pedi-lo taba  lift the floor boards
qadra e pende u pikto  frame and hang a picture
fixa e papira plu pla  put up and line shelves
insul u stego-ka  insulate the loft
fixa centra termo sistema  install central heating
skalo / fosi un horti  hoe / dig the garden
face u via / flori area  lay a path / flower bed
face u mura  build a wall
repar u porta  mend the gate
repar u fragma  repair the fence
apo u trombo  remove a blockage
fix u kanali  fit a gutter
puri u kanali  clean out the drain
tekto u domi  build a house
no-face / re-neo u domi  demolish / renovate a house

A Letter

Karo Irene,

Gratia de tu interese grama. Mi ne pa ski; mu dice 1,600 hetero lingua in India. U mega numera! Mi visita India u-ci anua; e fu eko la tem mo-tetra di. Mi ki meno-nona a Bombai. Plus, mi fu ki a plu hetero urba e viki; e vide oligo famo-do. Mi spe spende mero tem stude plu loka fito.

Mi pa proto stude plu Glosa verba; ka mi gene sko de ekologi e fitologi; e Glosa dona semani a plu verba de bi-ci skience. Plu Glosa verba, plus-co, auxi pe logi plu terminologi de panto skience. Plu Glosa verba exist in panto duce Euro-lingua; ka-co Glosa auxi pe te memo plu-ci Euro verba-lista.

Po stude plu verba tem oligo setimana; mi pa proto stude u lingua ko ma-lati tende de komunika ko plu persona in plu hetero landa. Po-co mi pa proto kambio plu grama ko tu e plu hetero Glosa-dice persona in plu hetero landa.

Poli ami saluta,


(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 43 -

Step 13

se  oneself
auto  one's own

Fe pa lava plu vesti.  She washed the clothes.
Fe pa lava plu vesti de auto.  She washed her own clothes.
Fe auto pa lava plu vesti.  She herself washed the clothes.
Fe pa lava se.  She washed herself.
Mu pa noku se.  They hurt themselves.
Mi qestio se.  I wonder (= ask myself)
Mu auxi alelo.  They help each other.
Panto vi gresi longi pedi-via.  You all walk along the pavement.
An pa don a mi u memo-ra ex Polska.  He gave me a souvenir of Poland.
Id es u-mi. Id es u-tu.  It is mine. It is yours.
Id es mi bibli. Id es tu bibli.  It is my book. It is your book.
Tu nece gene more (original adds ad here) u-ci frigi klima.  You must get accustomed to this cold climate.
An more visita fe bi kron singu anua/ setimana.  He usually visits her twice a year / week.
U-la es no-more.  That is unusual.
An more trena ad urba; sed nu-di an fu vagona.  He usually goes to town by train, but today he will drive.
Qe mi lice auxi tu?  May I help you?
Lase mi auxi tu.  Let me help you.
Qe tu pote dic a mi u via a ... ?  Can you tell me the way to ... ?


alelo  each other
longi  long; along
tako  quick, fast; tacho-
spe  hope
more  custom, usual
vagona  car, vehicle
vi  you (plural of 'tu')
lento  slow(ly)
gluko  nice, agreeable
lice  be allowed
lase  let, permit
klima  weather, climate
libe-tem  holiday
hedo  happy; like to

Exercise 13

Plu ju-an pa lava se.  The boys washed themselves.
An auto pa akti id.  He himself did it.
Qe tu tende vagona a ... ?  Do you intend to drive to ... ?
Fe ne pote dromo iso tako de mi.  She cannot run as fast as I.
auto-ergo-pe  self-employed person
Qe tu memo u-la gluko vespera?  Do you remember that nice evening?
Qo preci u grama a ... ?  How much does a letter cost to ... ?
Tu debi gene tako more Glosa kogita.  You should quickly get accustomed thinking in Glosa. (Note: This is an advice for a Glosa student: You should (ought to) quickly get ... . As an expactation of likely outcome the sentence would be: More pe gene tako more Glosa kogita..)
Mi qestio se; qe an fu veni.  I wonder whether he will come.

U-ci vagona kine fo tako.  This car goes very fast.
Mi spe visita plu viki de Afrika.  I hope to visit some African villages.
Mei de tetra-hekto (original says tetra-centi) persona eko in u-la viki.  Fewer (original says "less") than 400 people live in that village.
Singu persona habe auto domi.  Each person has their own house.
Singu-pe kulti mu auto sito fito (original says fago fito); e habe sati bibe-hidro.  Each person grows their own food-plants; and has sufficient drinking water.
Mu pa vide alelo.  They looked at each other.
auto-auxi  self-help
auto-sati  self-sufficient
prima-auxi-fa  first-aid kit
An pa dromo longi dromo-via.  He ran along the track.
Mi ne pa pote vide vi.  I couldn't see any of you (original says "see you all", but that would be in Glosa Mi ne pa pote vide panto vi.)

- p. 44 -

Post Office

(Note: on the sign KLUDE would be better than KLAUSTRO, or even better NE-FUNKTIO. And FUNKTIO is perhaps better than APRI.)
 1 libra               scales 
 2 vendo-lo            sales point 
 3 vendo-pe            counter clerk 
 4 merka-pe            customer 
 5 mensa               counter 
 6 posta karta         postcard 
 7 andro               man 
 8 grafo               writing 
 9 kani                dog 
10 duce-fi             lead 
11 folia teka          leaflet box 
12 plu folia           leaflets 
13 mura                wall 
14 kalendari           calendar 
15 horo-me             clock 
16 aku                 hand of clock 
17 ateli-me            stamp machine 
18 matri               mother 
19 infanti             child 
20 kapsu               parcel 
21 aero-grama          air-letter 
22 grama-ve            envelope 
23 boteka-saka         shopping bag 
24 bursa               purse 
25 telefono teka       telephone box 
26 telefono            telephone 
27 kodi seri           code list 
28 nima-bibli          directory 
29 lice formu          licence form 
30 posta teka          post box 
31 stoma               slot 
32 plu kolekti horo    collecting times 
33 posta-pe            postman 
34 grama saka          post bag 
                          (original says grama
			  teka - letter box,
			  but the picture shows a bag)
35 gina                woman 
36 valuta              money 
37 an-fili             son
      (error in original an-filia)
38 teka                box 
39 involve-papira      wrapping paper 
40 hesi bileta         adhesive label 
41 fi                  string 
42 cisori              scissors 
43 ateli sponge        stamp sponge 
44 grama               letter 
45 tele grama          telegram 
46 ju-an               boy 
47 liko un ateli       licking a stamp 
48 tinta-grafo-ru      pen
      (original says stilo,
      but this would be also "style".)
49 ge-lento pe         disabled person 
50 rota-side           wheel chair 

- p. 45 -

Post Office - A Few Phrases

grafo / bali / gene u grama  write / send / receive a letter
adres u grama-ve  address an envelope
tako bali  express delivery
per mari / aero posta  via sea mail / air mail
petitio u qita  ask for a receipt
ple u blanka  fill in a form
re bali grafo a neo adresa  re-direct mail to new address
livra (original says mite, but that would be "send") plu grama  deliver the letters
visita u klasi ofici  visit the sorting office
re-neo lice  re-new licence
grama ge-lose in posta  letter lost in the post


KATA:Domi zoa.    2 No-foto tem.    3 Libe-tem aktivi.    4 Pre; non-avanti.    5 Pusi urba.    9 Bibe-ma.    11 Ma de mono.    12 Oligo Glosa-pe komunika per puta-???    13 Planeta alo Glosa karita.    14 Mo kata posi casa u-ci bio-ra.    16 No-paleo (error in original: No-palaeo).    17 Direkti.    18 Tem ex helio-ana e helio-kata.   

TRANS:Foto e aero ki dia u-ci.    6 Gene info ex bibli.    7 Numera.    8 Verba ex plu Glosa mekani.    10 Kine a certa (error in original: certo) loka.    12 Kontra mei.    13 Famili celebra.    15 Mo-bi meno.    19 Este u-ci per nasa.    20 Id tena neo bio.

Please click here for solution.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 46 -

Step 14

maxi  most, -est

Mi vora ni sukro-ma ni karni.  I eat neither sugar nor meat.
Mi pote ni kanta ni kore.  I can neither sing nor dance.
Fe fu veni alo di-mo alo di-tri.  She will come either Sunday or Tuesday.
u subo kali flori  a rather lovely flower
u fo mega teka  a very big box
u maxi-mega teka  the biggest box
mali  bad
ma-mali  worse
maxi-mali  worst
boni  good
ma-boni  better
maxi-boni  best
Español es subo facili de gene ski.  Spanish is rather easy to learn.
Glosa es mega ma-facili.  Glosa is much easier.
Te flu-dic u xeno lingua tu nece fo-stude id gramatika e verba lista.  In order to speak a foreign language you must study thoroughly the grammar and vocabulary.
Mi pa eko la ma de tri anua.  I stayed there for more than three years.
An pa eko ci mei de mo meno.  He stayed here for less than a month.
Mi fu eko in London tem Kristo-nati.  I will stay in London over Christmas.
U-ci es u mini-preci tabla.  This is the cheapest table.
u no-foto ka  a dark room
u foto kamera  a light room
melano-rubi  dark red
leuko-rubi  light red

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Exercise 14

Na pa sedi para potami.  We sat beside the river.
U-ci flori es u maxi-kali.  This flower is the loveliest.
U-la tea tasa es u maxi-mega.  That tea cup is the biggest.
Mi doxo; mu fu veni.  I think that they will come.
U klima pa es tro termo pa meno.  The weather was too hot last month.
U-ci es u maxi-tako vagona.  This is the fastest car.
Mi flu-dic u France lingua.  I speak French fluently.
An fu resta ma de penta di.  He will stay more than five days.
Mi este hedo; tu fu veni.  I am pleased that you will come.
U-ci es u maxi gravi bibli.  This is a very important book.

Glosa es u maxi facili lingua.  Glosa is the easiest language.
Id es la.  It is over there.
Il es ma de 400 lingua ge-dice in Indonesia.  There are over 400 languages spoken in Indonesia.
Il es ma de mo kilo lingua in Afrika.  There are more than 1000 languages in Africa.
u grega de avi  a flock of birds
Qo-lo es u maxi proxi sko-do?  Where is the nearest school?
U-ci es u maxi-boni medika-ma.  This is the best medicine.
Id es no-gravi.  It is trivial.

- p. 47 -


... [missing: picture with camping]
... [missing: word list to the picture]

- p. 48 -

Camping - A Few Phrases

ana u te-do  pitch a tent
kata u te-do  strike the tent
elekt u topo  choose a site
ple u dorsa-saka  pack a ruck-sack
ma-boni loka plu fi (original says fixa plu fi)  adjust the straps
fix u fixa-ra  fasten the buckle
a skuta  leaward
a venti  windward
ge-trakto te-do  trailer-tent
kampo-fa  camping equipment
kolekti sika ligni (error in original: ligna)  collect dry wood
face u kampo-piro  make a camp fire
piro u kuko-me  light the stove
kambio (original says muta, but that would mean "change it into something different".) u gasi-va  change the gas-cylinder
ple un aqa-va  fill the water carrier
repara-fa  repair kit
obe u rura konsili (another suggestion: akti boni, kron tu visita u rura. Original text says obe u rura kodi)  obey the country code

A Letter

Karo Andrew,

Mi este hedo; tu vide Glosa habe poli funktio. Id ne es solo un interese ra. Id es u nece-ra.

Mi e un hetero Glosa-fe tende; proto face u Glosa grega in na urba. Pa setimana na pa loka plu anuncia in plu bibli-do, plu religio-do, e in na sko-do. U-ci setimana mi grafo de Glosa in na nova papira. Fu di-penta es u prima Glosa unio. Mi qestio se; qo numera persona fu veni. Qe plu Glosa-pe unio freqe in tu urba?

Ko u-ci grama mi mite u posta karta de mi urba; id habe tetra pikto. 1) u duce-via ko plu boteka. 2) u religio-do. 3) u fo paleo teatra e 4) u fluvi-vista. Mi freqe gresi para fluvi tem kali klima.

Id es fo brevi tem pre tu ki ad India; mi spe tu visita fu es forti interese, e fu don a tu mega hedo.

Boni viagia


(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 49 -

Step 15

qi  who / which

U maxi boni terapi anti u-ci pato es medita.  The best therapy for this illness is meditation.
U-ci es u terapi; qi es u maxi-boni pro tu.  This is the treatment which is best for you.
U bibli; mi lekto; es fo-stimula.  The book I'm reading is exciting.
U-ci es u bibli; mi pa grafo.  This is the book I wrote.
U-ci es u domi; an eko.  This is the house he lives in.
U-la es u medika-pe; qi pa repara mi gina.  That is the doctor, who cured my wife.
Qe tu ski u gina; tu vide pa-di mana?  Do you know the lady whom you saw yesterday morning?
Mu feno sani.  They seem to be healthy.
Tu feno hedo nu-di.  You look very happy today.
Feno, an ne fu veni.  Apparently, he's not coming.
Para-co, qe fe pa grafo?  By the way, did she write?
Il es poli speci farmako.  There are many kinds of drugs.
farmako-bo  pharmacy shop
Il es fo-gravi; singu persona gene boni medika e eduka auxi.  It is vital that everybody gets good medical and educational help.
Plu mega-preci farmako freqe sti plu noku para-seqe.  The expensive drugs often cause harmful side-effects.
Poli persona nu gene repara per alo-medika.  Many people are now getting cured by alternative medicine.
Tu volu qo bibli?  Which book do you want?
Tu lekto qo speci bibli?  What kinds of books do you read?

... [missing: Vocabulary]

Note When 'who' or 'which' are the object of a clause they are usually left out in English. In Glosa we always leave them out. Instead of saying; "The man WHOM I saw yesterday" we say "The man I saw yesterday".
(Note: This is a bad rule for an International Auxiliary Language. The relative pronoun, qi, should be permitted, in speech and in writing, even when its function in the sentence does not allow it a position at the beginning of the relative clause:
  Un andro; mi pa vide [qi]; akti ... )

- p. 50 -


... [missing: picture about apiculture ]
... [missing: word list to the picture]

- p. 51 -

Apiculture - A Few Phrases

topo un api-do  siting a hive
domi plu api  hive the bees
alexi-ve  put on protective clothing
anti-punge-ma  bee sting antidote
fumi un in-lo  smoke the entrance
apo tegu  remove lid
moli-tegu  cover with soft cloth
leva / examina u qadra  lift out / examine the frame
vitri-tegu  cover with glass quilt
tena u temperatura  maintain the temperature
nutri plu api  feed the bees
extrakt u neo ceru (error in original cera)  draw out the new wax
boni / mali karpe  good / bad harvest
kapti u grega  catch a swarm
U fe-regi bali plu ova.  The queen bee lays eggs.
Plu ergo-api kura plu ova.  Workers tend eggs.
apo u ponti-ceru (original says ponti-cera)  scrape away the brace comb
Plu ergo-api face plu celu.  Worker bees make cells.
loka fe-regi exklude-ra (original says only loka exklude-ra supra ...) supra plu larva  put queen excluder on the brood
no-face / re-face (original says reface) un api-do  dismantle / reassemble the hive
ergo-, explora-, sito-api  worker-, scout-, forager-bee
peti via (original says vola via)  flight path
api kore  bee dance
kolekti nektari / polina  collect nectar / pollen

Exercise 15

U-ci es u gina; qi dona sko de medita.  This is the lady who teaches meditation.
Qe tu ski un andro; qi pa merka u-ci navi?  Do you know the man; who bought this boat?
U tetrapoda es u bio-ra; qi habe tetra poda.  A tetrapod is a creature; which has four legs.
U-ci es u gina; qi eko u-la mega domi proxi religio-do.  This is the lady; who lives in that big house near the church.
Bibe u-ci medika-ma tri kron singu di. (original says ... tri kron u di.)  Take this medicine three times a day.
No! mi ne amo u-ci speci medika-ma.  No! I don't like this kind of medicine.

Tu feno subo leuko.  You look rather pale.
U-ci es u plaka; qi tena kemi-kroma.  This is the cake which contains artificial coloring.
Qe, tu memo un andro; tu pa vide pa-di?  Do you remember the man you saw yesterday.
Mi pa vide u vagona; tu pa merka pa-di.  I saw the car you bought yesterday.
Tu pa dic a qo-pe?  Who did you speak to?
Il es poli speci zoa in u-la landa.  There are many kinds of animals in that country.
Qo horo tu fu veni?  What time will you come?
Fe es mu solo infanti.  She is their only child.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 52 -

Step 16

sti  cause, make (laugh etc.), switch on

u sedi-mo ex xilo  a chair made from wood
u memo-ra ex lito  a stone memorial
Vitri gene face ex arena.  Glass is made from sand.
sti u lampa  switch on the lamp
sto u lampa  switch off the lamp
apo u lingua sto-ra  remove the language barrier
sti u valva  turn on the tap
Fe pa kade ex equs; e u-la pa sti ridi an.  She fell off the horse and that made him laugh.
Mi ne pote sto se ridi. (This sentence is supplemented and not in the original)  I can't help laughing.
An pa vexa fe.  He annoyed her.
Na nece sti logi u demo u gravi de Glosa.  We must make people understand the importance of Glosa.
U Globa Viki nece habe u Globa Lingua.  The Global Village needs a Global Language.
U demo de ocidenta gene pato; ka mu fago tro.  People in the west get ill because they eat too much.
Iso tem plu demo in Munda Tri lose bio; kausa mu habe ni boni fago-ma ni sani bibe-hidro.  At the same time people in Third World die because they have neither good food nor healthy drinking water.
Il es sati fago-ma epi Geo de nutri panto-pe.  There is enough food on the earth to feed everybody.


arena  sand
lito; -li  stone; litho-
xilo  wood; xylo-
valva  valve, tap
apo  remove
fortuna  chance
boni-fortuna  fortunately
ridi  laugh
vexa  annoy, irritate
logi  understand
este  feel
kade  fall
per fortuna  by chance
mali-fortuna  unfortunately

Exercise 16

Id es gravi; na vora sani fago-ma.  It is important to eat healthy food.
Tu nece sti vora an.  You have to make him eat. (Original says "You must try to make him eat.", but that would be in Glosa Tu debi tenta sti vora an.)
An pa face plu kali fotografi.  He made some beautiful photographs.
Fe pa sti u valva.  She turned on the tap.
Tu ne lice casa plu zoa. (Original says Tu ne nece casa plu zoa, but that would be "You don't need to chase the animals".)  You must not chase the animals.
Qe tu habe, per fortuna, u plus teka?  Do you by chance have an extra box?
Sura fe pa veni; tem na pa es ab.  She must have arrived while we were out.

Mi ne pa pote sto ridi.  I couldn't stop laughing.
sti u lava-me  turn on the washing machine
sto u kuko-me  switch off the cooker
Fe pa sti gresi mi.  She made me walk.
u teka ex xilo  a wooden box
u teka pro xilo  a box for wood
Mali-fortuna an pa frakti u fenestra.  Unfortunately, he broke the window.
An pa gresi ex domi.  He walked out of the house.
An pa gresi ab domi.  He walked away from the house.

- p. 53, 54 -

Tri Andro in Navi

From "Three Men in a Boat" by Jerome K. Jerome. English version after Glosa text.

Minus sinapi, panto-na in navi pa este melankoli (original says Na pa no-memo de pak u sinapi; qi sti melankoli panto-na.) Na pa vora u bovi in silenti. U vita nu pa feno vaku e no-stimula. Na pa memo plu hedo di de infanti-tem; e ko tristi-senti spira ex (original says ...; e senti tristi.). Anti-co, na gene ma hedo ko pomi pastata; e, kron George pa trakto u stani-va de Ananas ex funda de sito-va; e pa volve id a meso-navi; na pa senti, anti-co, vita es ne mali.

Panto-na amo Ananas. Na pa examina u pikto epi stani-va; na pa pensi de suku. Na pa sub-ridi ad alelo; e Harris pa leva u spatula, prepara.

Po-co na cerka u kultela te aperi u vasa. Na pa apo panto-ra ex sito-va. Na pa vaku plu saka. Na pa trakto ana plu funda-taba de navi. Na fero panto-ra ex ad-epi ripa, e seiso mu. Zero aperi-ru.

Harris tenta apri u vasa per marsu kultela; pa frakti u kultela; e seka se mali. George tenta ko cisori, qi peti ana; e proxi cieko an.

Tem mu pa du kura plu vulne; mi pa tenta fac u fora in id per (original says ko) metali spika; qi glisa e bali mi ex inter navi e ripa ad-in mo metra de limo aqa; e u vasa volve ne-ge-vulne (original says no-ge-vulne), e frakti u tea-tasa.

Panto-na pa gene rabi. Na pa leva u-la vasa; e fero id ex ad-epi ripa; e Harris ki ana ad-in agri; e detekti u mega akuto lito; e mi ki versi ad-in navi; e fero u pali. George pa tena u vasa; e Harris pa tena un akuto akro de lito epi supra; (original says ... tena un aku fini de lito epi supra;) e mi pa prende u pali; leva id alti in aero; e kon holo dina mi trakto id kata.

Id pa es George stra kefa-ve; qi salva an vita u-la di. [...] Harris veni ex ko solo u karni vulne.

Po-co, mi auto pa leva (original says fero ... a dista topo, but in the English original they seem to stay in the same place.) u stani-va (original says only stani); e pa bate id ko pali; a-kron mi pa lose mi dina; e pa lose panto spe; e Harris pa prende id e dura bate id.

Na pa bate id plati; na pa bate id versi qadra; na pa bate id ad-in panto forma ge-ski in geometri - sed, na ne pa pote face u fora in id. Po-co George bali se ad id; e an bate id ad-in forma, ta xeno, ta feroci deino; an pa gene fobo; e pa bali u pali ab. Po-co panto na pa sedi peri id epi gra; e skope id.

Pa es mo mega konkavi trans supra; qi sembla sub-ridi anti na; e id sti na furi. Harris pa bali se ad id; prende id; e bali id ad-in meso fluvi; e tem id pa kata; na bali plu mali-dice ad id; e na pa ki in navi; e pa remi ab u-la topo; e nuli kron sto; pre na veni a Maidenhead.

English original:    It cast a gloom over the boat, there being no mustard. We ate our beef in silence. Existence seemed hollow and uninteresting. We thought of the happy days of childhood, and sighed. We brightened up a bit, however, over the apple tart, and when George drew out a tin of pineapple from the bottom of the hamper, and rolled it into the middle of the boat, we felt that life was worth living after all.

We are very fond of pineapple, all three of us. We looked at the picture on the tin; we thought of the juice. We smiled at one-another, and Harris got a spoon ready.

Then we looked for the knife to open the tin with. We turned out everything in the hamper. We turned out the bags. We pulled up the boards at the bottom of the boat. We took everything out onto the river bank and shook it. There was no tin-opener to be found.

Then Harris tried to open the tin with a pocket-knife, and broke the knife and cut himself badly; and George tried a pair of scissors, and the scissors flew up, and nearly put his eye out.

While they were dressing their wounds, I tried to make a hole in the thing with a spiky end of the hitcher, and the hitcher slipped and jerked me out between the boat and the river bank into two feet of muddy water, and the tin rolled over, uninjured, and broke a teacup.

Then we all got mad. We took that tin out on the bank, and Harris went up into a field and got a big sharp stone, and I went into the boat and brought out the mast, and George held the tin and Harris held the sharp end of his stone against the top of it, and I took the mast and poised it high up in the air, and gathered all my strength and brought it down.

It was George's straw hat that saved his life that day. [...] Harris got off with merely a flesh wound.

After that I took the tin off myself, and hammered at it with the mast till I was worn out and sick at heart, whereupon Harris took it in hand.

We beat it out flat; we beat it back square; we battered it into every form known to geometry - but we could not make a hole in it. Then George went at it, and knocked it into shape, so strange, so weird, so unearthly in its wild hideousness, that he got frightened and threw away the mast. Then we all sat round it on the grass and looked at it.

There was one great dent across the top that had the appearance of a mocking grin, and it drove us furious, so that Harris rushed at the thing, and caught it up, and flung it far into the middle of the river, and as it sank we hurled our curses at it, and we got into the boat and rowed away from the spot, and never paused until we reached Maidenhead.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 55 -

Step 17

nu-fu  near future, just going to
nu-pa  recent past, have just

Qe an veni nu-di?  Is he coming today?
Ja! An nu-pa veni.  Yes! He has just arrived.
Mi pa-fu dic a tu.  I was going to tell you.
Fe nu-pa bali u kalkula dia fenestra. Nu u vitri es ge-frakti. She has just thrown the stone through the window. Now the glass is broken.
Un andro nu-fu repara id.  The man is just going to mend it.
Mi nu-pa fini stude.  I've just finished studying.
Mi nu-fu ki ad urba.  I'm just going to town.
Fe nu-pa fac u-ci manu saka.  She has just made this hand-bag.
Id nu-pa proto pluvi.  It has just started to rain.
Akorda! U klima es fo mali.  Agreed! The weather is very bad.
Akorda "Duden Fremdwörterbuch" in holo Deutsche verba lista de cirka 400,000 verba cirka 100,000 veni ex Latino alo Greko; i. e. ex singu tetra verba mo verba veni ex Latin alo Greko.  According to the "Duden Fremdwörterbuch" in the whole of the German vocabulary of 400,000 words, about 100,000 come from Latin or Greek, i. e. 1 out of every 4 words comes from Latin or Greek.

A Postcard

Na pa veni a Bombai pre tetra
di. Klima es fo fo termo!
Hotel es boni; fago-ma habe u
fo boni gusta.

Panto-pe es ami. Mi fo amo
u-ci landa. Pa visita poli
interese loka. Pa face poli
kali fotografi.


  Irene Cox,

  5, Duce via

  London, Britain.       

Exercise 17

An pa-fu seka plu flori.  He was just going to cut the flowers.
Id nu-pa sto pluvi.  It has just stopped raining.
Mi nu-fu ki a plu boteka.  I am just going to the shops.
Mi nu-pa vora u plaka.  I have just eaten a cake.
Tu pa es qo-lo; kron mi pa 'fono (error in original 'foni) Where were you when I phoned?
Plu-ci plaka habe u fo-boni gusta.  These cakes taste delicious.
Penite, mi ne logi.  Sorry, I don't understand.
Qe tu pote dice ma lento, place?  Can you speak more slowly, please?
Qe tu pote itera u-la, place?  Would you repeat that please?

Akorda fe an habe u ge-frakti poda.  According to her he has a broken leg.
Mi nu-fu ki ana.  I am just about to go up.
An pa fu ki trans via; kron u vagona pa veni.  He was just going to cross the road, when the car came along.
U via pa es hidro; ka id pa proto pluvi.  The road was wet because it had started to rain.
Qo programa in teatra?  What's on at the theatre?
Mi este fo hedo de inkontra (original says enkontra) tu.  I am very pleased to meet you.

- p. 56, 57 -


Trying to translate Shakespeare into Glosa, and preserving sense and rythm as much as possible is a very good exercise. Try to keep to Glosa 1000 as much as possible.

Shakespeare: Richard II. Act 3, Scene 2 (After Glosa text some notes and English original):


... de konfort, ze-pe dic:
Las na dic de tumb, de verm, e epitaf;
Fac pulve na papir; ko pluvi ok
Graf tristi epi facia de u ge.
Elekt plu lega-pe; dic testament:
Sed, ne so, - na pote dona qo?
Except na pove soma ad u ter?
Na land, na vit, pan es de Bolingbroke;
E nuli-ra es de na excepti mort
E u mikro model de u sika ter;
Qi es u tegu pasta de na os.
Pro Teo, las na sed ad epi ter;
Dic de tristi morta de plu reg
Kom plu pa lose tron; plu ge-cid in guer,
plu ge-seqe ex plu-la mu pa cid,
Plu ge-toxi per mu gin; plu, somni, ge-cid.
Pan ge-cid: - ka in koelo koron;
Qi rond u morta kefa de u reg;
Morta tena kort; e la u bufon sed;
ridi anti an; joko de an pomp;
Permito an respir u mikro sken,
Te monarki; sti fob, e cid per skop;
Infusi an ko vani vanita
Kom si u sark, qi cirku mur na vit
Es fo-resista ma; e ridi so,
Veni a fin, e per u mikro spin
For dia an kastel mur, ... e vale, reg!
Tegu tu kef; ne ridi anti mi
Ko solem revere; bali respekt,
Traditi, form, e ceremoni deb;
Ka tu mis-logi mi a-nu;
Mi vora pan kom tu,
Ski trist, vol ami; ge-limita so,
Qo-ka tu dic a mi, mi es u reg?

Some eti-notes; literal translation of some L & G roots:

line 2 EPI-TAPH G. on-tomb
10 G. steiro, barren better? but sika, dry is in Glosa 1000
17 G. koelo, hollow. The G. is cog with the E.
24 G. sarko, flesh. sarcastic, flesh-tearing. Sarcophagus flesh eating.
L is carni- as in carni-vorous.
26 L. spina, thorn, pin.

English original:

... of comfort, no man speak.
Let's talk of graves, of worms, and epitaphs;
Make dust our paper, and with rainy eyes
Write sorrow on the bosom of the earth.
Let's choose executors, and talk of wills;
And yet not so - for what can we bequeath
Save our deposed bodies to the ground?
Our lands, our lives, and all, are Bolingbroke's.
And nothing can we call our own but death
And that small model of the barren earth
Which serves as paste and cover to our bones.
For God's sake let us sit upon the ground
And tell sad stories of the death of kings:
How some have been deposed, some slain in war;
Some haunted by the ghosts they have depos'd,
Some poisoned by their wives, some sleeping kill'd,
All murder'd - for within the hollow crown
That rounds the mortal temples of a king
Keeps Death his court; and there the antic sits,
Scoffing his state, and grinning at his pomp;
Allowing him a breath, a little scene,
To monarchize, be fear'd, and kill with looks;
Infusing him with self and vain conceit,
As if this flesh which walls about our life
Were brass impregnable; and, humour'd thus,
Comes at the last, and with a little pin
Bores through his castle wall, and farewell, king!
Cover your heads, and mock not flesh and blood
With solemn reverence; throw away respect,
Tradition, form, and ceremonious duty;
For you have but mistook me all this while.
I live with bread like you, feel want, taste grief,
Need friends: subjected thus,
How can you say to me, I am a king?

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 58 -

Step 18

du  continue; -ing; still

An pa ki a fago-do.  He went to the restaurant.
An es la nu.  He is there now.
An du es la.  He is still there.
Id du helio.  It's still sunny.
Plura persona du doxo; English fu es u munda lingua.  Some people still think that English will be the world language.
Fe fu dice tem mo horo.  She will be speaking for one hour.
Mi pa du lava u vagona; kron an pa veni.  I was washing the car when he arrived.
Un andro; mu pa du dice de; pa lose bio pre sixa meno.  The man they were talking about had died six months ago.
Fe pa merk u bibli.  She had bought the book.
An pa du nekto.  He had been swimming.
Fe pa nece auxi mu.  She had to help them.
Mi atende ko hedo de vide tu.  I look forward to seeing you.

Exercise 18

An du stude Deutsch.  He is still studying German.
Mi pa du dic a fe; kron u telefono pa soni.  I was speaking to her when the telephone rang.
An pa ergo in Afrika tem poli anua.  He had worked in Africa for many years.
Kron na pa veni; an pa du ki ex.  When we arrived; he was leaving. (Original says "When we arrived; he was just going out.", but that would be in Glosa Na pa veni; iso-kron an pa proto ki ex. And: Kron na pa veni; an pa prepara ki ex. would be "When we arrived; he was just about to go out.")

U-ci es u gina; tu pa du dic a.  This is the lady you were talking to.
Mi pa du grafo; kron an pa sti kade u grafo-liqi ad epi mi grama. I was writing when he spilt the ink on to my letter.
Fe pa stude Latin e Greko.  She had studied Greek and Latin.
Fe pa visita Italia.  She visited Italy / has been to Italy.
Id pa du helio un holo di.  It was sunny all day.

A Letter

Karo Andrew,

Gratia de tu kali posta-karta ex India. Mi este sura; tu pa gene mega hedo ex tu visita; e mi atende plu nova de tu libe-tem.

Mi nu-pa ki ex prima Glosa unio in na urba. Bi-penta persona pa veni kleisto mi sko-pe. U-ci pa sti mira mi.

Mi patri pa dice de Glosa, de id eduka profito; e an pa responde plu qestio ex plu audi-pe.

Po-co, an pa dona sko u brevi-tem; e po cirk u semi-horo pleisto persona pa pote dice oligo Glosa frase. U fo stimula vespera! Poli persona pa gene interese; seqe-co na tende unio bi kron singu meno. Id es fo boni de dice Glosa ko plu hetero pe. Id dona vita a lingua; plus, na pote kambio plu idea e info.

Poli hedo saluta

ex Irene

- p. 59 -

Some English Idioms

All idioms must be translated into clear unidiomatic Glosa.

habe plu homo defekti  tared with the same brush
Id pluvi forti.  It's raining cats and dogs.
ne spend un holo in-valuta  make both ends meet
no-ge-stimula  fed-up; browned off
akti fo-koleri  do one's nut; blow one's top
u fo-boni exempla  a case in point
Ne este sura de fu-sucede!  Don't count chickens before they are hatched.
Mi ne pote divina.  I haven't a clue.
kredi minus verifi  take something for granted
u fo-longi tem  till the cows come home
mis-logi alelo  talk at cross-purposes
Ne cerka turba!  Let sleeping dogs lie.
ne volu akusti  turn a deaf ear to
ge-konfusi  at sixes and sevens
komenc u mega no-facili minus fobo  take the bull by the horns
feno fatuo  have egg on one's face
u vista ex infra  a worm's eye view
plu ordinari-pe  the grass roots
nu-fu acide  in the offing
tro freqe dice de (original says dura dice de mono tema)  keep harping on about (original says only "keep harping on")
dice klar e praxi  talk turkey
ge-lose valuta  money down the drain


Many people might not like being restricted to only 1000 words. Partly because they have long been used to the large vocabularies of the west. Such people at first may prefer to use the larger MEGA-Glosa.
However, as Glosa aims to be a truly International Auxiliary Language it must be kept simple so as to appeal to the motivated worker of the Developing World. Glosa 1000 must remain as the centre, the Heart of the language.

It must be emphasized again that GLOSA 1000 can easily cope with any kind of theme, including perhaps even highly specialized subjects with perhaps an occasional dip into Mega-Glosa.

It is to be hoped however that while enjoying the freedom and variety of Mega-Glosa the user will however learn how to exploit Glosa 1000.
The large Euro-vocabularies contribute to much misunderstanding, not only between nations and classes, but even between individuals of the same class. By forcing oneself to make full use of Glosa 1000 one has to keep thinking in the beginning about meanings.

(To other steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)

- p. 60 -

Glosa Mechanics

Below are listed the words and particles essential for expressing; Number, Tense, Passive, Questions, Comparison, Relative Pronoun.

u(n)           a, the, any     |  u bibli, un avi      a book, a bird 
plu            more than one   |  plu avi              the birds 
nu             now             |  Fe vora.             She is eating. 
pa             did             |  Fe pa dice ...       She said ... 
fu             shall           |  Fe fu dice.          She will speak. 
du             du-ration       |  Fe pa du dice        She was talking. 
nu pa          have just       |  Mi nu pa vide fe.    I've just seen her. 
nu fu          just going to   |  nu fu ki ex          just going out 
pa fu          was going to    |  pa fu dice           was going to say
fu pa          shall have      |  fu pa akti id        shall have done it
si             if              |  si fe vide an        if she sees him 
sio            would (if)      |  Mi ne sio ki         I wouldn't go. 
ne             not             |  Fe ne pote vide id.  She cannot see it. 
qe ... ?       question starts |  Qe, tu pa vide id?   Did you see it? 
qo-ka ... ?    why (CAuse)     |  Qo-ka tu ... ?       What made you ...
qo-te ... ?    why (inTEntion) |  Qo-te tu ki?         Why go? (aim)
qe?            ... doesn't it? |  Termo qe?            Hot isn't it?
gene           get (passively) |  pa gene u grama      got a letter
pa gene        got             |  pa gene frigo        got cold
ge-            got-            |  ge-frakti            broken
se             self            |  lava se              wash oneself
mi auto        I myself ...    |  Mi auto pa vide id.  I myself saw it.
iso ... de     as ... as       |  iso mega de ...      as big as
ma ... de      more ... than   |  ma termo de          warmer than
maxi           most, -est      |  maxi termo           hottest
mei de         less than       |  mei termo de         less warm than
mini           least           |  mini rubi            least red
u gina, qi ..  the woman, who  |
no-            opposites       |  alti, non-alti       tall, low

- p. 61 ... 87 -

English - Glosa 1000

This Dictionary lists 2000 useful English words into Glosa 1000.

... [missing: Abbreviations to the vocabulary list]

This English - Glosa 1000 Dictionary is the Central most important of all Glosa dictionaries. It is the Heart of Glosa. These 1000 Glosa words cope easily with any theme. Of course, there is no reason why a speaker or writer might not dip into one of the larger dictionaries for a word which comes first to mind; or perhaps because a longer or more exotic word under special circumstances is preferable.

... [missing: vocabulary list English - Glosa 1000. Please refer to the Glosa Internet Dictionary for the words.]

- p. 87 -

... [missing: Glosa publications]

- p. 88 -

"The world-wide vocabulary of Science is the nearest thing to the lexicon of a truly global Language that mankind has yet achieved. It derives its words from two dead languages - Greek and Latin."

(Prof. Hogben in his "Vocabulary of Science")

Glosa is not an invention, it's a discovery.

- p. 89 ... 103 -

Glosa 1000 - English

... [missing: vocabulary list Glosa 1000 - English. Please refer to the Glosa Internet Dictionary for the words.]

- p. 104 ... 107 -

Key to Exercises

Pikto-Verba, Step 1:

      P             B
  L   I   N   M U S I K A
  E   S U E   O
  K   K   K A N T A   P O E S I
  T R I   T   E         K
  O     P O S T A K A R T A
        I     A   O     O
    G R A F O     R   B   R
    R   N     G R E S I   A
    A   O     L       B   D
    M O       O       L   I
    A     V A S A   F I T O

Kruci-Verba, Step 13:

  F E N E S T R A 
  E   O   P   E   V 
  L E K T O   T R I 
  I   T   R   R   K 
  S T I   T R O P I 
    E   M A     L
  G A M E   A N U A 
  E   I   D   E   N 
  O D O R I   O V A 

... [missing: Key to exercises. ... The other solutions are already given with the exercises's texts.]

- p. 108 -

... [missing: Glosa publications]

- cover page -


"The world-wide vocabulary of Science is the nearest thing to the lexicon of a truly global Language that mankind has yet achieved. It derives ist words from two dead languages - Greek and Latin."

(Prof. Hogben in his 'Vocabulary of Science')


ISBN 0 946540 15 2